I write sins not tragedies

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Chapter 35: I write sins not tragedies

Pure bliss.

The best two words to describe it. It was nothing like Roy has ever experienced before in his life. The feeling was way better than his first kiss, way better than the feelings he got when he first drove his car. All the depression, all the sadness and feelings of loneliness was replaced when Amy had injected him with that needle.

It coursed through his veins, mixed with his blood. It became a part of him. He felt happy and immense joy. He felt like a child who had just been given their first piece of candy. The feeling was great.

The world around him didn't seem to matter any more. No more pain from Jade's absence. No more pressure from school. No more responsibility. Roy felt free. It was like he was floating on a cloud and just drifting through pleasure.

That was three days ago when he got that feeling and he hadn't been to the club since.

Now he felt lost and confused. He was like a child who just had his favorite toy taken away from him. He missed the thrill, the feeling of perfection and fulfillment. Any bliss he had worn out slowly in those three days.

Roy was in agony. The walls around him was closing in. He felt sick to his stomach. He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep. Even though it wasn't cold he couldn't stop shaking. Roy was trembling with need, the need for more.

Friday finally came and the students walked into school with bright faces, glad that the weekend was only a few hours away. Friday seemed to put every one in a good mood, especially Wally. He had great plans for the weekend. Wally spotted Alain and strode over to him, the cheeky smile never leaving his face.

"Hello, Alain," Wally greeted happily. "Lovely day isn't it."

Alain shut his locker door and looked at him. "Why are you so happy?"

"Because my weekend is free and I plan on romancing Jenn."

"Right, cause you're such the romantic."

Wally stuck his tongue out at him as they walked the halls.

"Did you hear the news," Wally asked. "In a couple of weeks there starting track again."

"You sound happy about that."

"Oh, because I am," Wally said with a wide smile. "I can't wait to get out on the field again."

"You do realize that means you'll spend afternoons away from Jenn, don't you?"

Wally grimaced but recovered. "So, we'll still have time together."

Alain shrugged indifferently.

"Well, what about you Mr. Swimboy?"

"What about me?"

"Swim team doesn't start until a few months," Wally said. "How have you been spending your afternoons? You probably spend your time watching Disney movies. Huh Alain, you going home today to watch the 'Little Mermaid'."

"For your information I'm spending my afternoon with Toni today."

Wally smirked.


"You've been spending a lot of time with Toni."

"So... what's you point?"

"My point is; you like Toni."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

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