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Chapter 34: Linger

Warning: This Chapter has a drug scene.

Monday finally came and the students walked into Jump City High School for the start of a new day. The weekend had given the students the much needed time off. This was more true for Kori then it was others. She had given a lot of thought about her feelings and the events that happened. Today she would fix everything.

As soon as she had the chance she would speak to Dick and tell him everything. But first Kori needed to speak with some; Xavier. She had to apologize to him. As soon as she spotted him she walked over to him.


Xavier who had been talking to Billy waved him off and turned to Kori. "Hey."


Uncomfortable silence seemed to be the theme in life.

Kori took a deep breath. "Uh, you wanna walk to class?"

Xavier muttered a 'okay' and side by side they walked off to their first period class.

"Xavier," Kori said softly. "I wanted to apologize about kissing you... and yelling at you... and running away from you... I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

"Yeah, I forgive you." Xavier said after awhile.

They walked side by side again when Xavier stopped. Seeing him stop made Kori stop as well.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Xavier. What is it?"

"When we kissed, did you feel anything?"

Kori looked away and shook her head. "I am sorry, I did not."

Kori didn't want to hurt his feeling's but she wanted to be honest with him. When they kissed there was no spark. It was nothing like when she had kissed Dick. Xavier looked down, disappointed. He has have feelings for Kori for a long time already and that kiss gave him hope that maybe they could be more then friends. Apparently not.

"So I guess you have your heart set on Dick then, huh?"

"Yes, yes I do," Kori said, looking up at him. "He means a lot to me and it has taken me so long to realize that."

"Well you know what they say, love is blind," Xavier said with a smirk for her sake. He didn't want her to know it hurt like hell to hear her confess her love for Dick. He didn't want her to know his feelings for her. "Or some stupid shit like that."

Kori smiled at him. "So we are still friends?"

"Dork, of course we're friends." Xavier said with a laugh.

Kori felt so relieved and hugged him. He was a little taken back but returned her hug. Xavier figured it was best to have her in his life then not at all.

Dick walked into school, a frown on his face. He had been avoiding his friends the whole weekend and dreaded the thought of seeing them, correction; he dreaded the thought of seeing Kori. 'That's what I get for opening up some one' thought Dick bitterly. Dick would have rather stayed home but Bruce didn't allow it. He still couldn't believe that Kori had kissed Xavier. Dick figured that must have been the reason why she felt nothing about their kiss.

"Dammit!" he yelled as he slammed his locker shut.

How could she do that to him... with Xavier of all people. To believe... Dick shook his head as another problem formed in his head. Dick still had to deal with Kitten. Deep down inside their was a part of him that was still holding on to Kori and by kissing Kitten he had probably dug a hole so deep he couldn't get out of. One couldn't blame him, he was hurt and confused. He was lead on by impulse when he kissed Kitten. Sooner of later he would have to face both of them.

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