Face a new day

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Chapter 10: Face a new day

The sun rose greeting a new day in Jump City. The sound of her alarm clock rung loud and clear in her quiet room. She reached out her arm and shut it off. Last night she had barley gotten any sleep. Who would sleep after what she went through. Her thoughts processed all the information that had happened. No matter how hard she tried, nothing made sense to her. Her mother had left and her father had became violent in less then 24 hours. She turned her head to look at her alarm clock. It read 7:00 in big red glowing numbers. She needed to get up even if she didn't want to.

She lifted herself off her bed, her black hair falling over her shoulders as she did. Raven walked over to her dresser to pick out her outfit for today. She settled on a pair of navy blue jeans and a black sweater. She pulled out a black shirt that read 'Dark Soul' in bold red letters. As she prepared herself she noticed something on her bookshelf. It was a small photo taken six years ago. It was a picture of her with her parents.

Her dad had his arm on her shoulder and his other arm wrapped around her mother. They were all smiling. She picked up the picture and stared at it intensely single tear rolled down her pale cheek as she looked at the picture of her 'family'. She laughed bitterly inside. Without a second thought she dropped the picture in her trash can and walked out the room.

Raven made her way down the stairs and to the kitchen. A light breakfast would do her some good. As she entered the cream colored room and she saw him. Her father was sitting at the end of the table, a cup full of coffee by his side, a newspaper in hand. She backed out of the room slowly, hoping he wouldn't see her. Unfortunately she had on her black boots that didn't make her get away silent. He looked up and saw her.

"Raven, come sit down." he said calmly.

What to do? Sit down with the monster which was her father or run out of the room. She pulled out one of the brown chairs and sat down, her eyes looking anywhere but his.

"Raven...about yesterday...I'm sorry."

Her head snapped up. Did he just say he was sorry?

"With your mother leaving I was under a lot of stress. I had no right to treat you like that and I'm sorry."

Raven didn't know what to say. She didn't even know if it was a sincere apology. She just stared blankly at him.

"I promise it won't happen again," he said, standing up from his seat and heading to the door. "You better get going. You don't want to be late."

With that said he left to work and Raven left for school.

Kori and Dick told the whole story to Vic, Gar and Karen. Yesterday, Raven had asked them to tell the rest of their friends. She didn't want to tell them herself. Their jaws were dropped. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Poor Raven." Gar whispered.

"We really need to be there for her," said Karen. "Now more then ever."

"I agree," Kori said. "But we need to be careful how we address this situation. We can't force her into anything."

"It would be best not to piss her off." Vic said.

"Piss who off?"

They jumped at the sound of the voice. They were surprised to see Raven there.

"Raven?" Dick began. "What are you doing here?"

"Why wouldn't I be here?" she said as she took her seat next to Gar.

"Well...you just went through a great loss." Kori said, being careful to chose her words.

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