Between friends

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Chapter 47:Between Friends

Spring break was slowly moving forward and it was already the forth day of spring break. Instead of enjoying her week at the spa, Jenn was in constant worry. Ever since 'the feeling' kicked in she had been on edge. She had called Wally six times and not once did he pick up his phone. Since she wasn't able to contact Wally she tried Alain's cell phone. No dice.

As of right now Jenn, Jade and Toni had all gone to the kitchen for breakfast. They picked a round table covered in white cloth and ordered their food. Toni had ordered chocolate chip pancakes while Jade had gotten waffles. Jenn wasn't as hungry as her companions but had ordered French toast. Once their food came they all dug into their meals. Toni squealed in delight.

"Mmm, this is so good," Toni said, pointing at her pancakes with her fork. "I think I may have seconds."

Jade took a bite of her food but didn't say any thing. Her eyes flashed over to her best friend with pink hair and pink eyes who had been extremely quiet for a long time now. Putting her fork down Jade turned to Jenn.

"Ok, what's wrong?"

Jenn looked up. "What do you mean?"

"You've been quiet all morning and yesterday you were spacing out."

Jenn put her fork down and pushed her plate of food away. "Ok, remember when I said I had a bad feeling about Wally," Jenn paused and Jade nodded her head. "I've called him and he hasn't picked up. Call me crazy but that's a bad sign."

"Jenn, you need to relax. I'm sure the boys are fine and are having to much fun at their comic thingy," Toni said as she took another bite of her pancakes. "My gosh these taste so good... Alright, this feeling or what ever is probably nothing. We're at a spa. We need to enjoy ourselves."

"She has a point, Jenn." said Jade.

"I know but -"

"You know what you need," Toni said, interrupting. "A good old day at the hot springs."

"They have that here?" Jade asked, surprised at the new information.

Toni nodded with a wide smile. "This place is all natural and specializes in relaxation."

"That sounds cool," Jade said. "What do you think, Jenn?"

"I guess you guys are right."

"Of course we are. Now come on, let's go." Toni said standing up.

"You mean we like right now?" Jenn asked sounding baffled.

"No time like the present."

"Sounds good to me." Jade said, standing up as well.

Jade and Toni grabbed Jenn by her hands and pulled her up, dragging her towards the elevator. A few seconds later Toni came back to their table and picked up her pancakes, refusing to let them go uneaten.

Two boys walked along in a forest. The two of them couldn't be more depressed. They had spent a full day in the forest yesterday and the experience wasn't pleasant. They had no food or any water but the worst thing about it was they had no communication. Alain's phone had no connection and he couldn't call any one or receive any calls. Wally had left his phone in the car by accident and so it was deemed lost by Alain who said they weren't walking back to get it. The most important thing to Alain was getting to the rode and getting help.

"How much longer do you think we have to walk until we reach the rode?" asked Wally tiredly.

"I'm not sure," Alain replied, running a hand through his hair. "If we keep going maybe we'll reach the rode today."

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