Life is for living

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Chapter 43: Life is for living

Thursday came around and the Valentine's Day dance was the talk of the entire student body. Every one was talking about the dance and how much fun it was. Aside from that a rumor was flying around. It had got out to the students in the school that something had happened to Kori Anders. The students wanted to know what happened but when they saw the girl no one dared to confront her and ask. Not with Victor Stone standing right behind her. So, the students kept quiet.

Classes still had yet to begin so Kori took this free time to seek out Xavier. She successfully found him standing by his locker.


He immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to her. He was surprised to see her in school, he thought she would have taken the day off after what happened.

"Kori, are you ok?" Xavier asked quickly. He was so desperately wanted to take her in his arms right now and never let go but he restrained himself.

"I'm fine now, thanks to you," Kori smiled at him and held out her hands. She was carrying something. "Here's your jacket back. I'm sorry I didn't give it back to you last night."

"That's alright." Xavier said as he took back his jacket and tossed it in his locker.

"I also wanted to say thank you. This is the second time you saved me."

Xavier smiled at her. "Do you wanna walk to class together?"

Kori nodded and side by side they made their way to first period.

"Kori, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"How did you get locked in that closet?"

Kori closed her eyes and sighed. "Two guys grabbed me and locked me in there."

"Did you see their faces?"

Kori shook her head. "They had on masquerade mask."

"So then that means there's no way to identify the jerks who did this to you." Xavier said bitterly. He would have liked to give those that did that to her a good beating.

"I just hope something like that never happens again."

"You and be both," said Xavier. "I was really worried about you."

"Xavier," he stopped and turned to her. Kori wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "Thank you."

He smiled at her when they pulled away. "No problem, cutie."

Just then they heard something.

"Psst, Xavier."

They turned around to see Billy, Seemore and Micheal.

Xavier glared at them for running his alone time with Kori. "What?"

"Uh... we kind of need to talk to you about something... important."

Xavier silently cursed. If they wanted to talk about something important then that meant business. Xavier turned to Kori. "Listen, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later," he paused. "Is lunch time ok with you?"

Kori was a bit surprised that he had to leave so soon but nodded anyway. "Ok, I'll see you at lunch."

He gave a short nod and walked away with his friends. Kori rose a brow, as much as she liked Xavier, him and his friends could be really weird at times. Some times she wondered if he was in some kind of secret organization. Kori laughed and continued to walk to class, some times her imagination got the better of her.

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