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Chapter 50: Fate

Spring break had officially ended and school began anew. The students of Jump City High School filled the halls. Class would be starting soon and the students still had some time left to hang around and collect their things from their lockers. All the commotion stopped once a pair of students walked down the hall. The entire hall-way went quiet and eyes turned towards Dick Grayson and Kori Anders who were holding hands. People were shocked to see that Dick was lacking this sunglasses. He always had sunglasses. People began to whisper amongst themselves. Almost the entire school knew Dick and Kori were best friends, but two friends who were holding hands...?

Then there was the little factor that Kitten Moth was nowhere to be seen. The students asked themselves; "Did Kitten and Dick break up?"

A lot of people guessed 'yes'. Eyes continued to look at the pair and watched with wide eyes as the two 'friends' stopped and faced each other, speaking softly.

Books dropped to the floor and eyes went wide. A gasp could be heard along many a students as Dick Grayson leaned in and kissed Kori Anders fully on the lips. A moment or so later they parted ways to go off to their lockers.

"Well it's about time." one student said with a cool smile.

It was at that moment both Mr. Mod and Ms. Rouge stepped out, observing the while scene. Mr. Mod grinned.

"So it finally happened," he looked up at Ms. Rouge how was a tall woman. "You owe me five dollars."

The bell rang and the students filed out of the school and to lunch. As Dick and Kori passed by more whispers could be heard. By this time, word had gotten out to the school. Dick Grayson was officially dating Kori Anders. The news didn't come as a shock, people knew they were bound to get together one day, but it came as a surprise to see them actually together. Gossip flew around at every corner, things in high school, particularly amongst the sophomore class, just got a lot more interesting. News traveled fast around school and it wasn't long until Kitten heard about it.

But Dick could care less about the gossip and about who knew and who didn't know about him and Kori. He was with Kori and that's all that mattered. Dick wrapped his arm around Kori's waist and pulled her closer as they walked towards there lunch table. Kori giggled and smiled, leaning into his embrace. Their happy moment was ruined however as a raging blonde blocked their path.

"You two are together?! And we only broke up a couple of days ago," Kitten paused in her rant and gazed at Dick. "You... you're not wearing your sunglasses."

Kitten had never scene him without his sunglasses. He always wore his trade mark black shades. There was that one time on the boat, when they all went swimming, when he actually removed his sunglasses, but she never got a good look at his eyes.

"Oh yeah," Dick chuckled. "I didn't need them today."

It was true, Kori had broken a pair of his sunglasses, but that wasn't his only pair. In reality, Dick had a draw full of sunglasses, but now that he was with Kori he didn't really feel like wearing them. There was no need to any more now that he was with Kori. She knew him and accepted him. He didn't have to hide behind the glasses any more.

Kitten glared at him. "Well this is just priceless. You get together with her and now you're all upside down," Kitten then glared at Kori. "Do you see what have done, you good for nothing little wh-"

"Shut the hell up, Kitten," Dick yelled. "Leave Kori alone. And quite frankly, you're the whore."

Kitten was fuming and Dick could of sworn he could see smoke coming out of her ears.

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