How to save a life

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Chapter 40: How to save a life

This is something some of yall been waiting for especially my good friend Terra_Markov_Rocker. But thank you guys for giving me hope if it wasnt for the both of yall i wouldn't be continuing this chapter !! Vv1455 Terra_Markov_Rocker

Monday finally came and it was the start of a new day... a new school day to be more exact. It was the first day of school for the month of February and the students couldn't be more glad because they were that much closer to the end of the year, but until then school was still in session. Kori, Raven and Karen were hanging out by Kori's locker as the red head got her books.

"So how did you picnic date with Dick go?" Karen asked with a grin.

"It went well," Kori said absently. "We talked and got to catch up on a few things."

"That's it," Karen groaned. "I was hoping to hear some dirty details."


"Karen has a one track mind." muttered Raven as they walked down the halls.

"You're just mad because of that whole Gar situation." said Karen.

"Why would I be mad," Raven said sarcastically. "The guy I have a crush on probably won't come in three feet of me, that's not a reason to be mad."

"I'm sure Kyle will understand if you just explain." said Kori softly.

"Yeah, because explaining things always work."

"Don't look now but here comes the source of your problems now." said Karen.

Raven looked up and saw that Gar was heading their way. He stopped once he was standing in front of Raven.

"Hey guys. Hey, Raven."

Raven didn't reply.

"Is it ok if we talk... alone." Gar said looking at Kori and Karen.

"Not at all," Kori said, grabbing Karen's hand. "Let's go, Karen."

"No, I wanna see!"

Karen's protest went unheard as Kori dragged her down the hall. Gar chuckled at the sight and turned to Raven.

"Listen, about yesterday... I'm really sorry."

"Sorry doesn't excuse your behavior." Raven said dryly.

"I know. I really messed up so I wanna make it up to you," Gar reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small book. "I made this for you." He handed it her. "Here."

Raven accepted the tiny booklet and flipped through the pages. One could tell it was hand made due to the uneven ends and words written in colorful marker. Raven read through the pages. It appeared Gar had made her a coupon book. One page read a free meal (as long as it's pizza) and on the bottom of the page was a picture of pizza. The next one read one day of silence which included Gar not talking about his weird theories, video games and no food fights with Vic.

"So, do you forgive me?" Gar asked hopefully.

Raven looked up at him. This was incredibly sweet of him. She saw the look in Gar's eyes and realized that she hadn't answered his question.

"You're forgiven," Raven said as she ripped out a page and handed it to him. It had the word 'carry' and a picture of a book. Raven handed hi her book-bag and he almost dropped it. "Come on, we have to get to class."

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