Sophmore slump or comeback of the year

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Chapter 29: Sophmore slump or comeback of the year

It was the final day of the field trip and the students were getting ready for the trip home and the ending dance. The sophomore class was told to pack their things today because first thing tomorrow they were heading back home. Most of the students were sad to leave but among them were the ones who couldn't wait to leave. One of them being Alain.

Alain couldn't help but to huddle in his sweater as two girls passed by and giggled. Ever since the 'make over' Alain had been moody. Wally had gotten over the incident with in the day after a little down time with Jenn who was, some what, guilty for making him dress up. None the less the experience started to die down even though there was an occasional snicker here and there. But right now it was time to focus on the present and what better way to do that then eating breakfast.

It had been awhile since the boys had any guy time so they decided to have breakfast together. The girls had gone off to have some girl time as well.

"So," Wally began, placing his cup of orange juice on the table. "Any of you guys going to the dance?"

The group fell silent for a moment, considering the question.

"I'm going," Vic said. "Though I doubt I'll be on the dance floor with my leg and all."

"I can't believe you got attacked by chipmunks." laughed Alain.

"Ha ha," Vic laughed sarcastically. "At least I didn't dress up as a girl."

Alain grumbled and fell silent.

"You know," Dick began. "Vic being attacked by chipmunks is ironic. I bet Gar would love to hear about it."

"Where is Gar any way?" asked Vic, suddenly curious to the whereabouts of his best friend.

"Don't ask me," said Alain. "I haven't seen him the whole trip."

"Last I saw him he was playing a video game." Wally said.

"Only Gar could spend all his time playing a video game." muttered Roy.

All eyes suddenly went to him. This was the first time Roy had been out of his room the entire trip.

Dick cleared his throat. ", Roy. Are you going to the dance?"


"Aww, come on, Roy," Wally said cheerfully. "It's the ending dance. You gotta come."

"No thanks." Roy said darkly.

Alain however didn't care for Roy's attitude. "Roy, your going to that dance."

"I don't-"

"Your going," Alain said in a demanding voice and everyone at the table fell silent. "You've been locked up in that damn room since the start of the trip. I know your upset about Jade but if she was here she would want you to have fun. If you wanna be depressed until she comes back go ahead but for one day can you just please enjoy yourself."

Roy glared at Alain and Alain glared back. The others just looked back at each other and at them. They knew Roy had taken Jade's absence hard and when she announced that she would be gone longer...well, Roy was ready to tear down the walls. Alain knew Roy was hurting but he was fed up with his attitude and something had to be done.

"...Fine...," Roy said quietly. "I'll go."

Alain wanted to let out a sigh of relief that Roy had decided not to fight him on this but decided against it. He didn't want to ruin this 'macho' moment of his and instead nodded his head.

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