Jump into things (Chapter 25)

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5 months...

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant. That means that we are at the five month mark. Things are just even more real. We are pretty much half way there. Our baby could hear us talk. We didn't know if the baby was a boy or girl yet, and we don't plan on finding out. It's all about the excitement. We don't need to know all that. We just want to know that the baby is healthy. We needed to make sure of thing now more than ever. 

I wanted to make sure we are okay.

 I know these next few months will fly by. Our lives are going to change, and I can't help to think ahead. I don't know what is going to happen. I didn't know if we will survive. This puts a lot of pressure on us. We could go back to where we were before. I don't want to be like that. Now we just have to make sure everything is for real.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!

Sorry there hasn't been an update in a few weeks. It's been hard for me because I'm back in school now. School will always come first for me. I'm going to try my best and update for you guys, but it might now always happen. I also want to get this to about 40 chapters, but that is hard too. Let me know what you think down bellow and your ideas.

 Thanks for your support :) 

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