Savior (Chapter 10)

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This chapter is going to be written in the perspective of  Antonio Dawson. 

Antonio's POV

we all rushed to stilettos, the club where Matt was being held. We didn't know what was going on. For all we know Matt could be dead when we get there. We couldn't think like that. I drove as fast as I could with Gabby in passenger seat. I looked over at her as she was looking out the window " hey we got this! We will get him!" She smiled back at me " I know.." We all knew what we had to do. We got to the club. I got out of the car, but before I did I looked at Gabby " Listen!!! You have to stay here.. You don't know what it's like in there!" She looked at me " Antonio! I don't think I can just sit here.. waiting!" I looked at her and took her hand " Gabby! Listen! I will come get you when Jack is in handcuff's. I'm not letting you hurt yourself or the baby!!" I finally rushed inside and made it down to the basement of the building. It seemed pretty secretive. Not many people seemed to know about the basement of this building. The place was trashed and there seemed to be a place for prisoners. This is when I knew what he was doing. This is obviously where he kept the girls. It looked so dirty, it wasn't pretty. I looked over and see Matt tied up with a bullet wound. I ran over " Matt! Can you hear me??" He grunted " Antonio.." I started to help him out of his restraints " Yeah It's Anatonio! Gabby's outside.." I knew what was happening! He was loosing a lot of blood. I couldn't risk him dying on us. Voight looked at me " Roll an ambulance to stilettos..." I looked at him " We've got to get him to Chicago med... he's loosing too much blood.." We managed to get him out of the building.

 Gabby ran out of the car " Matt! What the hell happened!" I looked at my sister and saw her break down " Gabby! He's gonna be okay!" I saw her get in the back seat with him holding him. She cried        " Baby! It's gonna be okay! I love you, I always have!" 

We got him to chicago med just in time. The doctors rushed to the car as we pulled up " He was shot to the chest! He's lost a lot of blood. The doctors got him onto the gurney and inside. They rushed him right to the OR. Now, we just had to wait!!! 

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