Nothing (Chapter 6)

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I went home and just stayed there. I couldn't believe everything that was happening. Matt and I had a complicated relationship. I still loved him in every way, but I didn't want to depend on a man. I didn't need a man to survive. I remember being with Matt and being so happy. We were going to get married. We should be married right now. If things would have worked out at another firehouse, we probably would be married. My life would be so different. I wanted that, but only if he did too. I had a hard time sleep theese days. Ever since Matt went missing. It has been 4 days now. I was pregnant and yeah I had my brother, my family, and my 51 family. That didn't change anything. Matt's the father and he's the help I really need. He needs to be here more than anybody. I finally fell asleep for the first time in days. It was a miracle. I need at least some sleep.

I woke up and it was 4 in the morning. I hear a beeping and buzzing sound come from my phone. It was a message and I opened it. It was a picture of Matt, tied up with duct over his mouth. I started to cry and I placed my hands over my face. I immediately called Antonio " Antonio! We have a problem!" He sounded concerned " Whats wrong?" I started to cry, but I tried to cover it up " It's Matt!" Antonio rushed over to my house. I couldn't believe any of this, it was all just so awful. Antonio came in " what wrong?" I started to cry " I got a text.. It's matt!" He looked at my phone " oh my.. god.." I cried " Where the hell is he?" Antonio gave me a hug " I.. I don't know. I have to make a call.. give me a second.."

Antonio went in the other room to talk on the phone. I knew he was doing everything he could. I wanted Matt to help, but now I just wanted him back. I wasn't worrying about myself anymore. I had my baby to consider too. Antonio started to talk " Voight... Gabby got a picture of Casey! He's tied up somewhere! It doesn't look good.." He responded again " She's pretty skooken up right now... I'm gonna stay here with her. In the morning she's gonna come with me.."

He stayed with me and I knew I needed him. I just needed someone!

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