Missing (Chapter 1)

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Things were very complicated. I couldn't even understand things myself. First off I should probably start by explaining everything. My name is Gabriela Dawson. I'm both a paramedic and firefighter. Things were changing quickly. My boyfriend and I had been together for about a year before things got very complicated. I was finally doing what I wanted to. I became candidate and started working alone side him. This was kind of forbidden, but our chief decided to look the other way. We have been broken up for a couple months. A lot had happened and we were just apart. We worked together and now we were just keeping things together. I knew what I wanted. I loved him and we were going to get married.

Now things are changing. I was feeling off all week. Things were just off a little bit. I felt like the weather was messing with my head. That night I noticed something. I was very sensitive. My smell was messing with me too. That is when I decided to take a pregnancy test. I paced around the bathroom as I waited for the results. I looked at the test and it red pregnant. I put evrrything together, it all made so much sense.

I knew what I needed to do. I needed to go tell Matt. I knew I loved him. If I was going to be pregnant, I knew I wanted him by my side. I want his ring on my finger. I wanted our child to have both of its parents. I went to Matt's apartment and knocked on the door. Suddenly the door just opened a little bit. I entered his apartment and yelled out his name " Matt!!" I noticed that it was trashed. Tables were turned over, chairs were on their sides, and then I saw something I couldn't un-see. There was laying a girl, in a pool of her blood. I just stood their in shock for a second...

Hey everyone!

Thanks for reading the very first chapter of my new dawsey story! This was inspired by the season 3 finale. I couldn't believe how it ended. Katia dead! where is Matt? This is a conspiracy!! I guess!

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