I can do this! (Chapter 16)

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I knew I could do this. I was at the end of the first trimester of my pregnancy. Everything at this point was pretty easy. I have decided to fully move back in with Casey. I didn't need him to survive or even to have this baby. I could do this even without him, or any man. I just wanted him to be here. I wanted him to be in our Childs life. I love him and I may not want a serious relationship now, but I will accept whatever comes my way. If he proposes that will be good. I'm just not asking for it.

Matt walked into the kitchen as I was sitting there " Hey.." I smiled " morning.." He sat down next to me and looked at me " so.. I was think.. why don't you just move back in.." I looked at him in shock " What... I don't know.." He grabbed my hand " I know were taking things slow.. but your here most of the time anyways.." I looked at him " I know your right... I just don't want things to go back to what they used to be like.." He looked at me " They won't be... We will be here for each other. I looked at him " Ok... just let me tell Brett." 

I wanted this, but I was just scared of what everyone would say. I just wanted them to take me seriously and  know that this is real. I love Matt Casey and that is no way a joke. I have loved him ever since I first saw him. 

Later at Brett's

I didn't ever tell her the whole truth, which I feel bad about. I just didn't want anyone to talk me out of what i'm doing. I was doing this for me and this baby. I knock on the door " Hey.." She looked at me        " Why are you knocking... don't you have your key?" I look at her " I don't know where I put it.." I look at her as she starts to walk away " um... Bret! I need to tell you something.." She looked " what.." I looked at her  " Casey and I have been reconnecting.... and... I'm gonna move back in with him." She looked " wow wow.. Dawson!" I looked at her " I love him and that won't change... I want to do this for us and our baby. " She looked at me and started to hug me " I undertand.."

I was happy she got it because it makes this easier. I just want to be happy!

That's all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! sorry it took so long to post!!! it's been a long week!!! 

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