Late (Chapter 22)

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We were running late for our shift. I knew everything was going to be okay though. I was going back to the house. I was basically taken on my old job. I had been doing this for a couple weeks. Chilli was the newest edition to 51, well besides our new candidate. I was just joining Brett and Chilli. It wasn't easy because this was the job that I knew the most in. I can act like the know it all sometimes, but that's only because I mean best. I just want to do the best for all the patients. 

Matt and I got to the house a little late. We walked in and we saw everyone just standing there. Matt looked at  me " Sorry were late.." Cruz looked at us " Where we you anyways.." I laughed and looked at everyone  " I had a doctors appointment.." Hermann laughed " you both did.." Matt laughed " an ultrasound.." Hermann looked at us " ah a baby kind of appointment.." I nodded and Chief came out of his office and into the kitchen. He looked at me " Gabby.. can I see you in my office.." I looked at him and followed him " sure.." 

I walked into his office and sat down " what's up.."  He sat down " I was thinking... how about making you PIC of ambo again..." I looked at him " Really Chief.." He nodded " yeah sure!" 

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