10 - The Beginning of Relationships

Start from the beginning

Gabriel glared and pulled a second bottle from his bag. Sam checked this one but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. Sam put the bottle in his bag and made a move to leave the room but Gabriel reached out and grabbed his arm. But didn't say anything, instead looking like he was surprised at what he just did.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Uh...would you maybe like to stay a bit longer?" Gabriel said awkwardly, letting go of Sam's arm. "I don't normally get many people over...so maybe we could do something fun?"

"How do I know you're not going to prank the hell out of me?" Sam asked.

"Because. We'll be too busy pranking my siblings." Gabriel did his signature eyebrow waggle and Sam couldn't help but smile back.


"So why exactly am I here today?" Castiel asked Dean. Dean had asked him to come over with what seemed like urgency.

"Because I'm going to help you with the soulmate situation," Dean replied. He sat crosslegged on the couch facing Cas. "We are going to figure out how to make this guy want you. Maybe a little less straight forward considering the circumstances."

"So then what?"

"Judging by how you normally act, I'm guessing you're not going to make the first move," Dean said. "So you're going to make him want to."

"How?" Castiel asked. Dean thought for a moment.

"Try flirting with him. Just small things like over exaggerated movements or going out of your way for him to see you more often. This'll probably get his attention at least."

"I..um.." Castiel coughed awkwardly. "I don't know how to flirt."

"Seriously?" Dean asked. "Wow you're like a baby in a trench coat." Yeah but he's my baby in a trenchcoat—I mean wait what, brain you're doing it again. I mean come on, you're talking to him about his soulmate right now.

"I never had the occasion," Castiel said, shrugging. Dean sighed.

"Well I feel like you wouldn't get the concept of it anyway," Dean said. "You could also try just asking him out, not on a date but just friends going out someplace." Isn't that what you did to him last week? Oh shut up brain.

"I guess that could work," Castiel muttered, thinking about something.

"Also, if you go over to his place, try getting in one of those awkward situations," Dean said. "Like when you're being strangely close or you accidentally fall onto him or something."

"How would I do that?" Castiel asked. "It'd be obvious it was on purpose."

"You just have to be subtle," Dean said, smiling. "Like this." He leapt forwards and started tickling Cas, who yelled in protest and tried to shove Dean off. But Dean grabbed his wrists and pressed them to the back of the couch, having already moved so that he was basically straddling Cas while he was tickling him.

"See," Dean said. "Subtle."

"Not really," Castiel said. He pushed suddenly against Dean's grip, which Dean wasn't prepared for. Dean fell backwards off the couch but he was still holding Castiel's wrist so they both fell to the floor. Although Castiel seemed prepared for it, so he landed safely on his knees and hands.

On top of Dean.

"Subtle is making it seem like an accident," Castiel said, smirking slightly at Dean.

"Wait you..." Dean's eyes widened. "Woah maybe you should teach me." Castiel laughed a bit.

Neither of them noticed John walk into the room at this moment. John just looked at them once, chuckled to himself and left the room.

About half a minute passed with neither Cas or Dean saying anything. They seemingly got caught up in each other's eye colour again.

His eyes are blue, Dean's brain told him.

Yeah no shit brain.

Don't you get it, blue. The only memory from that night was blue. And it's the same damn blue.

Meanwhile, a sudden switch to Castiel's thoughts. Holy shit I'm pretty much lying on top of Dean what am I doing what was I thinking why has he not pushed me off I'm still here and he hasn't said anything he's just staring at me why is he staring at me should I do something what should I do.

And back to Dean. Wait why hasn't he moved?

"So..." Dean said awkwardly. "We just going to hang out on the floor all day?"

Castiel immediately jumped off Dean, sitting back on the couch awkwardly. "Sorry," he said.

"Don't be, it was practice," Dean said. "Do that to your guy and something will almost definitely happen." Castiel didn't say anything, deep in thought yet again. "Hey I was wondering, how did you meet your soulmate?"

"Oh it was just a normal high school meeting," Castiel replied. "Nothing special."

"How long ago was it?" Dean asked.

"Maybe a couple of weeks?" Castiel asked.

Dean nodded slowly but wasn't convinced. Castiel didn't seem like the type of guy who wouldn't know that sort of thing down to the exact minute. So that means he was avoiding the topic.

"How'd you meet your soulmate?" Castiel asked suddenly.

"I was drunk at a party," Dean said. "I don't remember them."

Castiel just gave him a sympathetic and an almost sad look. Why does he look sad? Dean thought. It's not like...he...oh god it's him it's Cas.

"Cas," Dean said slowly and cautiously. "Am I...am I your soulmate?"


And that's a great way to end the chapter :D

So this is now almost at 400 reads. That's like an extra 100 since the last chapter. Woah. Readers, you guys are awesome :D

Yeah so I literally couldn't keep Dean and Cas from finding out. I swear my writing has a mind of its own. But its really hard to keep them talking about soulmates and not find out about the other. But...that doesn't mean everything's going to be okay just yet...

Random thought, do you think they'll bring Chuck back in season 11 of Supernatural? Coz that would be awesome :D

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