9 - From Notes to an Introduction

Start from the beginning

"Sammy Winchester," Gabe said. "Deano's brother." Castiel looked away at that, and both Anna and Balthazar noticed.

"Something you're not telling us?" Anna said suspiciously.

"No," Castiel said, too quickly.

Balthazar watched Castiel for a few moments. "Dean's your soulmate," he said abruptly, and Castiel simply sighed and nodded, knowing there was no point lying to Balthazar.

"Does he know?" Anna asked.

"No," Castiel muttered. "He doesn't want a soulmate though."

"Yeah right, not with the way he looks at you," Gabriel scoffed. Castiel muttered something under his breath. "What was that?"

"I said, like you can talk," Castiel replied and Gabriel went red.

"Wait you mean with Sam?" he asked. "Come on, we've never even talked."

"So what was with the staring you just had before?" Balthazar asked.

"Communication through expression," Gabriel said.

"Isn't that what the notes are for?" Anna asked. Gabriel remembered the note and opened it, reading the one word.

"Maybe you should talk to Sam," Castiel said. "You two would probably be good friends if you weren't having a prank war."

"Even if we were friends, we'd still be having a prank war," Gabriel said.

"Then what's the harm in trying?" Balthazar asked.

"I swear you guys are just trying to get us together now," Gabriel muttered.

"Pft, why would we do that, it's not like you two would be adorable or anything," Anna said, smirking at the Trickster.

"You know what, fine. I'll get him to talk to me." Gabriel scribbled a reply to Sam on the note and stood up, going off to find his moose.


Sam was just going to his next class when Gabriel appeared from nowhere, shoving a note into his hand. As quickly as Gabriel had appeared he was gone. It was as if he had teleported or something. Maybe he flew.

Sam opened the note and almost froze. 'Well, if you really want it, then come and get it ;)'

A winky face. Was Gabriel flirting with him?

Gabriel was watching from a distance. What had possessed him to put the winky face on there, he didn't know, and was starting to regret it as he saw Sam do a double take.


"Hello Dean," Castiel said, appearing suddenly behind Dean. Dean jumped.

"Cas get outa my ass," he said, and Castiel looked at him confused, tilting his head and squinting his eyes.

"I was never in your..." he trailed off as his mind began to wander places it probably shouldn't. "How are you Dean?"

"Great, Sam has pink hair, it's hilarious," Dean said, smiling.

"I know, I saw," Cas said. "He came over to see Gabriel."

"Wait him and Gabriel are friends?"

"Who did you think dyed his hair?"

"Yeah but are they friends?"

"They haven't even talked yet..."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Hey you never told me who the mystery soulmate was." Castiel froze, his mind resorting the shitshitshitshitshit train of thought.

"Uh, it's someone," Castiel said awkwardly.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," Dean said and Castiel sighed in relief. "But I do want to help."

"I thought you didn't believe in soulmates," Cas said.

"I don't, but you deserve one," Dean said, smiling brightly at Cas. If I deserve one then stop smiling like that and kiss me already.

"It's not that simple," Castiel muttered.

"Why not?"

"Because he's got the same sort of views on the whole situation as you," Castiel said. "He doesn't believe in soulmates."

"Then we make him believe," Dean said. You're really not going to make this easy are you Dean?

"How?" Castiel asked.

"Well first you need to tell him you're his soulmate."

"Why would he not already know?" Okay maybe if I'm sneaky I can get him to admit that he met his soulmate at the party and no that would ruin our new friendship.

"I don't know, maybe one of you were drunk?"

Good coverup Dean.

"Hey wait a second," Dean said. "He?"

"Oh right," Castiel said. "That's the other problem. I'm bi. He's straight."

Dean winced. "Man that must suck. Well then, kiss the straight right out of him."

You keep talking and I might just have to.

"Or you could throw rainbow glitter at him. I've heard that works."

Wait didn't Gabriel say Sam threw glitter at Dean? And he's saying it works?

"Cas you're being silent, it's weird. Talk."

"What?" Castiel looked back at Dean, blinking. "Sorry."

"No problem, lots of people have conversations with their brains." Unknown to Castiel, Dean's brain was having a similar conversation. Maybe if brains could speak out loud they'd be together already. But that would be weird. And creepy.


It was at the last class of the day that Sam went up to Gabriel. It was art, and Sam went to sit beside Gabe instead of at his normal seat.

Gabriel watched him as he did, most likely waiting for another note.

"Hi," Sam said. "I don't think we've properly met. I'm Sam Winchester." Gabriel smiled the slightest bit as Sam spoke.

"Gabriel, okay. They call me Gabriel."

"Nice to meet you Gabriel. Now give me the soap or someone's gonna get hurt."

Neither of them noticed as the colours in their vision got just a bit brighter, now completely changed from grey to colour, as they were properly introduced.


So this is almost at 300 reads :O :D Also I find it really funny waking up and seeing a whole bunch of votes and comments that happened overnight. Coz to me it seems like you're all up at 2 am, but really it's just time zones :P

Also there's a rumor that in Season 11 there's going to be another episode like the French Mistake...that would be so amazing. Also apparently Richard Speight, Jr. is directing an episode in the new season. Which means maybe possible Gabriel could come back...But the main question about season 11, IS CAS OKAY?!

That question is constantly on my mind. But Misha's been posting pictures from set so he has to still be in it...wether or not he's just a corpse I don't know.

Here have a free hug *hugs*

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