Sairaorg appears above the black haired, clenches his fists together and slam it down to Nawin stomach sending the black haired crashing hard to the ground, Sairaorg land down seeing the Makasha laying on the giant crater below, he raise his hand ready to deliver another attack.

Nawin opens his eyes suddenly; Black lightning surrounds him "Demonic stream" Black lightning sparks around Nawin body and discharge, surrounding the two, Sairaorg scream in pain feeling his body being electrocuted. Nawin appears behind the Bael, he grab Sairaorg neck and slams him into the crater.

"Thunder Roar Howl" Nawin raise his other hand straight to Sairaorg face, suddenly yellow explosion cover the whole area, blinding the viewers from watching.

Gremory Estate

"Did he do it?" Issei ask looking at the dust covering the whole arena, "Taking that kind of attack point blank will definitely do huge damage but not much against someone like Sairaorg" Sirzech said.

"Sairaorg hasn't taken this fight seriously yet" Lord Gremory said catching the others attention while Sirzech nods "This fight has only began"


As the dust clears everyone sees Nawin standing a few meters away from the crater, looking slightly out of breath. Suddenly the crater explode Sairaorg climbs out from it and stand up, half his face is slightly bruise. 'His durability is definitely incredible, that attack barely hurt him' Nawin thought 'you need you use more powerful techniques then brat' Tairex advise from the mindscape.

Sairaorg smile looking at the black haired "This is one of the hardest fight I ever have, I think it's time, I stop messing around" Sairaorg expression turn serious, he disappears making the Makasha eyes widen. Sairaorg appears in front of Nawin and delivers three hard punch to the Makasha ribcage, Nawin cough up blood feeling his bones broken 'W-what is this, his strength just increase' Sairaorg appears behind the black haired and kick him in the side sending Nawin away.

Nawin regain his balance before crashing to the wall, Sairaorg appears to his side "I have enough of this" Nawin mutters his eyes change red, As Sairaorg fist was about to contact his face, Nawin stop it with his own hand shocking the Bael.

'H-how with the strength I'm using his hand should be crush?!' Nawin look at the Bael bored "Your strength is impressive but it will take more than just that to defeat me" Nawin pulls Sairaorg close and deliver a hard knee to the Bael stomach, blood sip from Sairaorg mouth as he feel his stomach being crush from the attack.

Nawin points his index finger at the Bael torso "Thrust" Sairaorg is send back by unknown force, he crash through a tree and lands on the ground, Sairaorg holds his stomach easing the pain as he shakily gets up. 'Nawin-kun your ribcage has taken quite a hit from that attack so be careful' Sairex said making the black haired nod.

"I see you are doubling your strength, speed and durability" Nawin said walking toward the Bael, Sairaorg looks at the Makasha in interest "The first time I shoot you with my shadow pistol it damage you but now I use my shadow sword, it does not work, I'm guessing you can increase your durability as well with the others to a certain extent... am I right?" Nawin ask.

Sairaorg chuckle "Yep your right, I was a fool to not take it seriously at first, I could have been killed by that attack" he said mentally hitting himself for being too cocky. Sairaorg remove his right arm from his stomach and gets to his stance "Now I know that I have to be serious fighting you Nawin Makasha" Sairaorg dash toward the black haired.

Nawin points his index and middle finger at the Bael "Six heaven Prison Rod" Sairaorg is suddenly stop by six light rod slamming in his mid sector "W-what" Sairaorg tries to break free but he couldn't move his arms.

Highschool DxD: Adventure Of Black Flashजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें