Hiccups and Phone Conversations

Start from the beginning

"Hello internet," he says, smiling.

"Today we're doing the photobooth challenge, created by Jenna Marbles."

"Which is why," Dan cuts in, "The camera quality is s***."

You tut at him. "Language!"

He rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out at you.

*le time skip*

You put your head on Dan's shoulder and watch as he edits the photobooth video.

Eventually, he finishes, letting out a yawn. "What now?"

You shrug and yawn too. "Can we watch a movie?"

He nods immediately. "Sure! What like?"

You shrug again. "You choose."

"How about... The Jungle Book?"

You laugh. "Okay, sounds good to me!"

Phil's POV:

I hear the house phone ring, and I go into the hallway to answer it. When I get there, Dan's already answering it.

"Hello? Yeah, she's right here, hold on a sec," he says into it, before disappearing into the living room and closing the door.

I go back to my room, where Minty still is. She's sitting on my bed playing Crossy Road. I can tell from the sounds.

"Aw, man! I died again!" she says frustratedly, throwing her phone onto the duvet hard.

I laugh at her as I shut the door. "Did you know that I helped make one of the characters on Crossy Road?" I ask her.

Her eyes widen. "Really?! No, I didn't know that... which one did you make?"

"The emo goose," I reply proudly.

She grins at me. "That's my favourite one." She picks up her phone again and pats a part of the duvet beside her, gesturing for me to sit down next to her.

I gladly accept her offer, bounding over to her side and looking at her phone screen. She's playing Crossy Road again, but as the emo goose this time.

"How did you help create it?" she asks suddenly.

"I made the noises for it, and I came up with the idea and what it should look like," I explain.

She nods her head slowly. The emo goose makes a depressed-sounding noise. "So you recorded that noise?"

I nod my head. "Yup."

"Recreate it," Minty challenges.

I start humming, and she raises her eyebrow.

"I'm warming up!" I protest.

She rolls her eyes, a smile tugging at the edge of her lips.

When I've 'warmed up', I try to imitate the emo goose noise in the game. It doesn't really work, and my voice gives out in the end, letting out a hiccup.

I begin laughing at the noise, and so does Minty.

"I- hic!- hate hiccups," I say, pouting. "I heard that a man once got hiccups for 62 years. I don't want that to happen to me!"

Minty laughs again. "62 years? Really?"

I nod quickly. "Hic!- really."

She chuckles at me. "Go and get yourself some water, that works for me when I have hiccups."

I get up, going into the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of water. I go back to my room afterwards and sit down beside Minty, sipping my drink slowly. "I'm bored," I complain.

She rolls her eyes. "What do you want to do, then?"

"Can we go to a park?" I ask, hiccuping at the end of my sentence.

"Do you have one in mind?" she returns, smiling at my hiccuping.

I nod. "Holland Park is really nice. It has a whole Japanese garden bit! I've never been, but I've always wanted to go."

"Okay, let's go, then!"

I do a little hand dance, and hiccup, resulting in my glass of water being spilt all over my jeans and duvet.

*le time skip*

I pay the taxi driver, then clamber out of the medium-sized black vehicle, followed by Minty. The driver drives away as soon as I close the door. I look at Minty, who smiles at me. I use the classic 'yawn and put my arm over shoulder' technique with her. She rolls her eyes.


I redden and put my arm back by my side again, embarrassed. "Sorry," I mumble.

I can't help but grin when she laughs, takes my hand and puts my arm back round her shoulders.

*le time skip*

I look around in wonder at the shimmering water, the luscious red, orange and green leaved trees, and the pretty birds. "It's beautiful," I whisper.

Minty lets go of my hand and rushes over to the water's edge, sitting down and staring at all the little orange fish in the pond. I chuckle and follow her over, sitting beside her on the cobblestone.

"Thanks for taking me here," she says gratefully. "It's lovely."

I smile. "I know!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a woman with a trench coat and a hat on, talking into a phone. Her face is concealed.

I know it's rude to eavesdrop, but I can't help but hear some of her conversation:

"Yeah... she should get my letter tomorrow... Yes, at the funeral directors, we've discussed this before, idiot! If she's clever enough, she'll crack the code..."

She catches my eye and walks away quickly.

A/N: I should probably explain myself... I was on summer camp for eight days, and there was no WiFi there :/ So, I didn't get to update for ages (this is why this one is so late...)!

Also, thank you so much for 4k! I probably should write a whole appreciation chapter thing, but tbh, I'm too tired xD

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