18. To Be or Not To Be

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"Why? I haven't been the same since we broke up. I don't even know what I was thinking that night.." She said dwelling on the past. She covered her face with her hands and started crying.

"Please don't cry baby, I don't like when you cry." He said getting in the bed next to her and pulling her into his arms so that her back was to his chest. "I know it was a mistake. We all make mistakes. I love you still okay?" He said comforting her.

"Okay." She said relaxing and trying to stop crying.

"I'm going to Paris to see my daughter by the way. I was on the phone with her mom." He explained and that was the partial truth. He needed to lie to get her where he wanted.

"Ugh," Shakel scoffed. "I'm sorry for accusing you of so much."

"It's okay belle," He said giving her neck kisses. "you didn't know."

She tilted her head so her neck was more exposed to him. He moved her hair and continue to kiss her neck more while his hand slowly moved up her shirt in front. She moaned quietly at the feeling of him caressing her breasts gently. She took his free hand and held it.

"Do you want me?" He whispered in her ear seductively and moved his hand from under her shirt and into her underwear. "So wet already." He said rubbing her.


"Liyah! Élodie and Anaïs are here." Laurent said opening the door. "Hi big sisters." He greeted them with a smile but refused their hugs.

They both looked at him weird then walked in and sat on the couch to wait for Aaliyah.

"Tu regardez irritée. (You look irritated)" Anaïs said to Laurent who sat on a different couch than them.

"Huh? No, I'm fine." He replied looking down the hall. "Are y'all going out or something..?"

"She's doing Anaïs's makeover. She didn't tell you about girls day?" Élodie said confused.

Laurent seemed a little jittery and just weird to them. "She did but I forgot." He said obviously frustrated.

"Ça va? (Are you okay?)" Anaïs asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said sounding unsure.

"Hello ladies!" Aaliyah said cheerfully walking into the front room smiling at Laurent's sisters. She held a medium sized bag on her arm which held all of her makeup and hair tools. "I look a mess right now so sorry."

Laurent let out a little gasp when Aaliyah sat her stuff on the table a few feet from where he sat. She gave him a weird look and he shook his head and walked back to the room. She shrugged it off and went back to talking to the girls.

"Tea, wine or coffee?" She asked.

"Wine." They said in unison then laughed.

Just as Aaliyah grabbed three wine glasses there was a knock on the door. "Lau can you get that?" She called to him.

"No!" He responded. "I really can't right now." He added.

She rolled her eyes and put the glasses down and went to answer the door. To her surprise, Shakel and Larry were there. "Hey Liyah." Larry said quickly looking her up and down. "Where's my brother?"

"Don't do that." She spoke quickly, noticing how he looked at her. "Your brother is in the room doing something... He's acting weird." Aaliyah answered stepping aside so they could walk in.

Anaïs gasped. "Shakel! I didn't know you were coming over."

"I didn't either to be honest." She smiled.

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