¶ Chapter 9 ¶ - He can defend and attack

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We exit the building while squirming our way through the traffic jam of students, losing Ryuuzaki along the way for a second. I maintain the same slightly shocked tone in my voice when I ask Light, "What was that about?"

"I - I really don't know. He said he believes we can be a help of the Kira investigation...." He answers, sounding uncertain himself.

"H-how does he know so much about us?"

We both trail off while treading down the steps at the front of the building. When we reach the bottom, we hear Ryuuzaki's voice again from out of nowhere.

"Yagami-kun, Kuroki-san. It was nice meeting you guys." he says, standing a few feet away.

"No, the pleasure was mine." says Light.

"It was an honor." I follow up. Ryuuzaki walks over to that limo that Watari drives him around in, earning some jealous or amazed comments from a few people; to be exact, two. I suddenly feel a sense of deja vu.

"I guess I'll see you on campus." Ryuuzaki adds in as he goes in and sits down in that same crouched position. I nod with a confirming hum and Light doesn't respond at all. Still processing? The car drives off and we watch it leave.

"Um... see you later, Yagami-kun." I say in a bit of a hushed voice, copying the look of trying to process the events from earlier.

"Oh, bye." is all he says, still looking off to the car.

~The time and condition of death can be changed, but once the victim's name has been written, the individual's death can never be avoided.~

Light was at a loss for words after Ryuuga and Ada left the area. He currently isn't even able to think to himself the whole train ride back to his house. It just feels like a true state of blankness, but while in that state, the rage and anger slowly boils up inside him, ready to drown him. He eventually attempts to come up with sevreal different plans, but every single one of them only lead to disaster. He shocks himself at how he is able to keep his self control stable before arriving at his home.

He enters the house and heads straight to his room, getting a friendly greet from his little sister, Sayu.

"Welcome home, Mr. Tou-Ou!"

Light ignores her and treads to his room, shuts the door, and locks it behind him. He goes to sit on his desk and rests his hands on it, only to clench then to the point where they become ghost white and are shaking. Ryuk leans over to look at Light , a little confused when his breathing becomes rough.

"Dammit, he got me!" He shouts angrily as he grips his hair. Ryuk jumps back in surprised at seeing the normally calm and collective Yagami Light finally break.

"Huh!?" Ryuk asks, dumbfounded. "What do you mean?" Light slams his fists on the desk, the sudden loud sound makes Ryuk almost jump again.

"Damn L! I've never been so humiliated in my life!"

"Oh, hey, why don't you do the shinigami eye deal, then you should have no problem killing-" he gets cut off when Light sharply turns to him.

"And what good would Shinigami Eyes do if this is all just a trap!? If it turns out that he's really not L, then it's like asking to get caught!!"

"Uhh, sorry!" Ryuk replies helplessly, actually regretting his choice to bring up the deal again.

"Don't think that Shinigami killing people, and humans killing people are the same thing 'cause they're not!" Light turns to face his desk again. "I want nothing more than to kill him, but if I do, it's like asking to get caught. Unfortunately, the Death Note can only kill the person's who's name is written in it, so it's not I can arrange for anyone else to kill him." he faces Ryuk again. "T
It's inconvenient, that's the flaw with the Death Note."

Light is usually so calm, but he snapped. This must getting to him. Ryuk thinks. Light rests his forehead on his hand and closes his eyes in irritation, possibly trying to calm himself down as best as he can for his upcoming sentences.

"At first, I thought once I found out his name, I'd have him die in an accident, or kill himself. However, none of that will do me any good unless I know with 100% certainty that this guy is L. No, it's already too late to do anything about it since he's approached me and introduced himself as L. It doesn't matter how sure I am. Regardless of the cause of death, if L dies now, they'll suspect me." he opens his eyes again, his yone having relaxed a great deal. "I underestimated him. I never even considered the possibility that he would reveal his identity to me on purpose."

The image of what happened at that moment replays in his head for a second. "He could be telling all the suspects the same thing... like he did with that other girl. In fact it doesn't even have to be him. He could have sent a double instead. For L, this strategy acts as a solid defense and allows him to confront Kira directly. He could defend and attack." He raises his hands up with an empty-handed look, as if showing defeat. "He got me. It was a good move." He leans back to his seat, resting his back. I'm sure I haven't seen the last of Ryuuga. Light thought, as Ryuuga's face became visible in his mind. He'll keep trying to move in on me, playing the absent-minded genius, and we'll pretend nothing's going on...

There was a pause, until an insane grin appeared on Light's face as he starts to creepily chuckle, then laugh slightly, until it was a complete mechanical laugh. Ryuk leans back a little in confusion.

"This is perfect." He said while an evil smile appeared on his mouth; he tilts his head down, his hair almost looking like it's covering his eyes. "There's no reason for me to be worried. After all, this is proof that they don't have anything on me. This whole thing is nothing but a contest between L and me." He lifts his head up. "A match of wits. On the outside, we'll be two friendly classmates, but in reality, we'll actually be investigating each other. This is interesting, Ryuuga. If it's my friendship you want, I'll gladly except it. In time, I'll earn your trust, and once you've told me what I want to know, there will be no point keeping you alive, then I'll kill you. With my hands if I have to."

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