Chapter 51 - Anna's Lullaby

Start from the beginning

Scott POV

Scott woke from a long good nights sleep that was well over due and groggily made his way downstairs. It was after 10am and the house was empty. His mum had gone to work, his dad was still in San Francisco, cleaning up a few things about the incident at the school and Anna had slept at her house for the night. He made his way down to the kitchen, feeding Buster and then himself. It was only when he turned to put the milk away that he noticed the note stuck to the fridge in Anna's neat cursive writing.

He slowly reached for it, pulling it off before beginning to read the letter.


I'm sorry to have to do this in a letter, but I knew if I told you in person you and Stiles would never let me go.

I'm leaving and I can't tell you where because I know you'll try and stop me, but I can't stay in Beacon Hills. Now that the connection has been broken I think my best chance is away from this town and it will be safer for everything this way.

I do love all of you, but it's for the best.


Not really believing at first Scott bolted up to Anna's room, ripping the door open and found the room empty... and clean, to clean. Anna wasn't messy, but everything was on perfect right angles and things were missing; photos, books, her laptop and phone charger – things that never left her room.

Scott read the letter a further five times, not really understanding, but when the words finally sunk in he immediately tried calling her, but of cause she didn't answer. The next thing he did was ring Lydia and Stiles and assemble them at the house.

"Leaving!?" Lydia screeched.

"Left." Scott corrected her. "Here, read it yourself." Scott said as he handed her the letter.

"She didn't say anything to you?" Stiles asked and Scott shook his head.

"All I know is what's in that letter."

"She wouldn't do this." Stiles shook his head.

"She did." Scott barely managed to say. "I was exhausted last night, she would have easily have been able to pack her things without me waking."

"No... she wouldn't... Scott, Anna wouldn't leave us, not now." Stiles shook his head.

"Stiles... the bond is gone. Maybe she thought she was protecting us or maybe Peter was the final straw." Scott shrugged.

"No." Stiles shook his head again and looked away. "She wouldn't go without saying goodbye!" He seemed to yell it just to reassure himself.

"I'll ring the others... let them know." Scott finally stated as he left the room to make the calls.

Malia didn't really know what to say, Kira said she was coming over, Liam was quiet, but obviously upset and Derek... he almost seemed glad. That didn't surprise Scott though. Anna would be safer away from the town, but that didn't make it easy.

"Maybe she went to Isaac." Kira suggested once she had arrived. Stiles remained quiet and didn't have any part in the discussion, but for some reason Scott could tell it was because Stiles believed that she had left. That it all just became too much. She had threatened it a thousand times and they all knew about the promise she had made Isaac.

It was Lydia that was entirely unconvinced. "No something's wrong."

"She's gone, Lydia. She wrote the letter herself." Stiles finally spoke up.

"I can see that, but... it's out of character."

"That's it? That's all you've got?" Stiles questioned. "She's a Nix, I don't think a character profile means that much!" Stiles yelled back.

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