Chapter 13

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There were many escape routes Luhan could've taken. He could've forcefully thrown himself out the window, he could've ninjaed himself out the back door, or he could've followed Sehun in a running panic. These, however, were impossible with Jongdae's death grip on his wrist.

"We are going to the living room and you are going to explain even if we have to torture it out of you."

Luhan began stalling. "Why do I have to explain now? We should have a snack first, get a glass of water or-"

"Stop stalling and sit on the couch." Minseok ordered.

Sighing, Luhan sat on the couch and accepted his fate.

"So, how did this happen?" A curious Jongdae questioned, plopping himself down on Luhan's right side.

"It's a long story."

"We've got time."

"Do you know of any cliffs I could jump off of?"

"Stop with the cliffs and start explaining."

"You can't make me." Luhan huffed.

An evil look replaced the curious one one Jongdae's countenance. "Yes, we can."

With that, Luhan was mercilessly tickled.

Laughter rang through the air as Luhan tried to catch his breath.

"Guys! Stop!" Luhan gasped through his contagious laughter.

"Are you going to tell us?"

"Yes! Yes! Just stop."

The two pairs of hands stopped torturing Luhan long enough to let him breathe.

"Okay." Luhan stopped to heavily breathe a little longer. "I'll tell you."

His friends highfived in victory, readying themselves for the explanation they've been waiting for.

"So, things happened. And, after a while of study hall, Sehun and I became a thing."

Minseok rolled his eyes. "More detail. Not good enough."

At this, Luhan sighed, and decided to just tell them.

"Okay, so, after hanging out with each other too much, we began feeling weird things. One of the days I skipped school, he did the same and we played soccer at the park after seeing each other there. We made a bet on the game that Saturday, and he won. Things happened. Now, we're together."

A pause.

"So." Mischief danced in Jongdae's eyes. "Please, explain further about this bet. Is that why you were so distraught after losing?"

Luhan nodded. "I'd rather not go into detail about that."

"We'll tickle you again if you don't tell us."

"You guys are cruel." Luhan huffed.

"Aw, but you love us." Minseok hugged Luhan loosely.

"Yeah. Yeah." Luhan swatted away Minseok's arms.

"So? Tell us."

Heat crawled upon Luhan's cheeks. He really didn't want to tell them, but being tickled sucked.

"Okay, so, basically, if I won I would get to be Romeo in the stupid literacy project. And if he won..."

Luhan trailed off, avoiding telling them.

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