14. Take Your Medicine

Start from the beginning

Slowly but surely, Aaliyah wiggled her way from under him and flipped off of the bed and got up. She walked over to her suitcase and started pulling stuff out so she could put it away. Laurent sat on the bed and glared at Aaliyah. "I wasn't done."

"I wasn't either, but one of us had to stop it." She smirked. Even though they've been back together for a few days short of a month, Aaliyah wasn't completely ready for things to take that turn. Plus, she still felt weird about what happened with Larry.

She put all her stuff away except one of her bikinis. Laurent watched her as she started to unbutton her shorts. She felt him waiting for her to undress and paused. She looked over at him then walked into the bathroom, she didn't want to risk that. "Why can't I see you naked?"

"You already have!" Aaliyah yelled from the bathroom.

"No! Is always dark, I never seen anything." He replied. "But I want to."

Aaliyah walked out of the bathroom with her bikini on and a towel wrapped around her body. "Oh well." She said walking past him and out the bedroom door. She went straight to the patio and placed her towel on a chair. She walked to the edge of the pool and dipped her foot in to check the water. It was perfect, cold but not too cold. She walked to the higher edge of the pool and gracefully dived in. Laurent stood by watching from the glass door then made his way outside. He watched as Aaliyah came up and wiped the water from her face. She wasn't facing him so he wasn't going to make any sudden noise to scare her or anything. He just laid back in a chair and waited for her to notice him.

Aaliyah dived back under the water and did some type of handstand. Her toes pointed in the air above the water, complimenting her lengthy legs. Quickly, her legs started to split from each other and point in different directions. She spun around quickly bringing her legs back together and disappearing under the water. Laurent was fascinated. He waited to see what she was going to do next. When she came back up she flipped her hair, wiped her face and turned toward him.

"Est-ce que vous êtes une sirène ?(are you a mermaid?)" He asked, his face still full of amazement.

She giggled and shook her head. "I wish." She said walking up the stairs in the pool to get out. Laurent's eyes stuck to her body quickly as she walked closer and closer. He handed her the towel absentmindedly but continued to watch her. She dried off and threw the towel on a chair and sat on it.

"Baby," he said breaking the silence.

"Hm?" She responded looking out at the blue water of the ocean.

"I love you."

She looked at him and smiled. "I love you too."


"Do you love me?" Larry asked.

Without hesitation Shakel answered. "Yes, of course."

"Even though we not together will you do anything for me?"

"Yes.. Why?" Shakel asked starting to get skeptic of his questions. "What do you want?"

"If you love me you'll suck me off." He said with a mischievous smirk.

Her eyes widened. "Um? You don't want something else?"

"No." He said with certainty. "That is only thing I want."


"You love me or no?" He said unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants and briefs down revealing his length.

She stared at him for a moment. "If I do it, will I be your girlfriend again?"

"Maybe." Larry shrugged. "You won't know if you don't do it." He said trying to convince her. Shakel walked over to him and got on her knees. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and slowly she edged her mouth closer and closer to his tip. Second thoughts flooded her mind the closer she got but it was too late. Whatever happens, happens. Her mouth wrapped around him and the sensation caused a loud grown to rip from his throat.

Her hand worked up and down and sucked as far as she could. Everything around her was dull. She didn't hear the sound of waves crashing against the sand anymore. Not even the music that was playing in the room. There was nothing. Nothing was there to pull her out of this inattentive state. She kept on with the steady action she did until she felt a hand wrapped in her hair. The force Larry put on her head to make her mouth go further down his erection snapped her out of her vague daydream. She placed a hand on his chiseled abs in hopes of him pulling back. "Fuck!" He said through gritted teeth throwing his head back in pleasure. He loosened his grip in Shakel's hair and released himself in her mouth. His breathing was heavy and he looked down at her with a mixture of lust and malevolence in his eyes. "Swallow it, baby." He smirked.

Eyes watery from the strain of him in her throat, she held her hand over her mouth and looked up at him. She got up and made a turn for the bathroom but was quickly pulled back by Larry instead.

"Uh-uh. Swallow it." He demanded.

Shakel shook her head in protest trying to take his hand off of her wrist. He pulled her closer and his free hand went up to her face and held her chin.

"Shakel," He said sweetly then proceeded to plant soft kisses on her neck. "do you love me?" He whispered between kisses.

Her eyes were sewed shut. His neck kisses easily calming her nerves. Everything was coming back to normal. She could hear the sound of waves crashing against the sand, the sound of her music playing from her phone which sat on the bed, it was all helping her calm down. The warmth of Larry's body so close to hers put the icing on the cake.



So this chapter is relatively short... But it's something for yall to hold on to I guess ? .. I've been going through some things so I stopped writing for a little. But for sure I'm going to keep writing, no worries. Lol I hope you enjoyed the chapter loves. Don't forget to comment, share and vote. Oh yeah ! I have a question for y'all.

Besides Larry and Laurent. Who is your favorite character ? Comment who and why .

xo - Jay

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