Chapter 48 - Carnage

Start from the beginning

"Alright, Anna, listen up. I know you like to pick the winning side and right now Kate sure looks like she's in the lead, but if you fight with me we can win. She won't give you anything, she won't offer you anything, you know that... but I can." He added in barely a whisper so no one else could hear. His eyes flicked over to where Liam and Malia were desperately fighting the Berserker who they didn't know was Scott. "I know that you know." Peter continued. I narrowed my eyes a little on him, realising he knew exactly where Scott was and who. "We take down him." He nodded over to Scott, "And the rest is easy."

And all this time I had thought that Mr Peter Hale was on our side for good. I found myself grinning back mischievously, suddenly highly amused by the situation, "Well, well, well, aren't you just the master of manipulation." I whispered so the other beings with supernatural hearing could hear, not wanting to give the game away. "Consider me jealous."

"We win and I'll teach you all about manipulation." He whispered back.

I sighed, "Hmm, you have yourself a deal, Mr. Hale. Now step back... I have a Berserker to kill." I spoke the last part loud enough for the others to hear as I gently rested my hand on Peter's chest and pushed him back, preparing to join in the other fight.

Third Person POV

Braedon and Selene fired round after round at the charging figures, the Berserker quite a few paces in front of Kate. Braedon ran out of rounds first, throwing her rifle to the ground and pulling out two handguns, alternating her shots between the two.

Selene fired her last round just as the Berserker reached them, knocking Braedon's guns to the side and lifting her up as Kate came at Selene. She reached for the knife in her boot and swung it at the werejaguar, ducking under her claws and swinging up with the blade that she too easily ducked.

Kate grabbed her right wrist with one hand, but Selene let go of the knife, letting it fall into her left hand before jamming it up under Kate's arm, causing her to release her grip with a yell.

Her head whipped up to face the hunter, but she didn't charge. Instead Kate was distracted by more headlights from vehicles. The Berserker dropped Braedon and she fell to the ground with a cough just as the cars came to a stop and the Calavera hunters piled out. Severo, Araya's second in command, began to bark out orders in Spanish as the men spread out, instantly beginning to fire as Selene jumped and rolled away from the bullets, taking cover behind the broken wall where Derek still sat.

Braedon crawled past Selene and back over to Derek as the hunter jumped back up and continued to fire with her fellow hunters once again now that she was out of their range.

Another car pulled up containing Chris Argent and Jordan Parrish as they too joined in on the shooting.

Kate and her Berserker began to retreat. The berserker guarded her, taking the brunt of the shots as she darted around the back of a car for cover. The Berserker charged at a few of the men, knocking them down and slashing them with his bone made knives.

Shot after shot was fired, but the beast refused to go down. Braedon crouched over Derek, repeating his name over and over, hoping for a reply, but he could only glance at her before letting out a final breath, his eyes closing and his head falling to the side.

Anna POV

You want to know the problem with facing down a Berserker that also happens to be a True Alpha?

It's a Berserker that is also a True Alpha.

Both of them are tough sons of bitches enough on their own to take down, but when you combine the two it's like Arnold Schwarzenegger on crack with bigger muscles, better technique and cotted in a few inches of bone for protection.

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