Chapter 33

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"Right motivation," Tamaki repeated in a whisper.

"That's right. And I think I just found it."

Haruhi could hear the eagerness, the arrogant smirk in his voice. This is what she'd been waiting for. She knew it was going to happen... It was just a matter of time. From the firt day, she knew this would happen.

"Stand up, Haruhi," Gotenshi snapped. Shakily, she stood, glancing over at the two of them. Absolute horror was in Tamaki's wide eyes, and contrasting him, Gotenshi's eyes were crinkled with a gross smile. Haruhi's stomach churned.

"Come with me," he beckoned, heading toward the basement.


Gotenshi paused, making her heart jump in her throat. Damn. She shouldn't have said anything. "I'm sorry?" Gotenshi asked, deathly calm as he turned with his eyebrows raised.

"I don't want to go with you," she whispered in fright. She knew her face was as white as a sheet.

"It doesn't matter what you want, you're coming with me," he said firmly, glaring.

Haruhi shivered in revulsion. "You're disgusting, and I will never go with you."

"Too bad," he chuckled. "And your face was so pretty today." Then he leaped toward her, raising his hand. She didn't even have time to flinch before his palm connected to her cheek, sharply shoving her cheek muscle into her teeth and tearing it open. She tasted the blood before the pain even registered. And when it did, she crumpled to the floor with a crying sob.

"Get your ass up," Gotenshi ordered. When she didn't, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. She screeched, tears leaking from the corners of her sore eyes.

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

"Tamaki!" she cried, a sob riding with it. "Help me!"

"Let her go!" Tamaki yelled. She could see his own tears; she'd never seen so many from him before in the entire time she'd known him. "Let her go, you bastard! Don't touch her!"

The only thing that Gotenshi responded with was a chuckle as he dragged her down to the basement by her hair. She desperately pulled at her restraints, her tears making it blurry and hard to see. Then she was thrown to the floor, knocking the wind out of her.

"I know it hurts, but it'll be over soon."

Haruhi's breaths were ragged, her eyes wide while they stared up at him. He was removing his belt slowly, seeming to enjoy the sudden fear and desperation on her face. She couldn't move, paralyzed by his actions. Even though she knew he was going to do it from the first day, or however long it'd been, she still couldn't believe it. Couldn't comprehend what he was actually about to do.

Gotenshi kneeled on the floor in front of her, untying her hands. He brought her hands to a post, tying them behind that, and then trailing his fingers down her arms and down the length of her body. She squirmed, doing her best to get free--free of the post, free of his grotesque hands, free of his hungry eyes.

"You're disgusting," she spat.

"Oh? You won't think so when I'm inside you."

Haruhi spit in his face, catching him under his eye. Fury made his hands shake noticeably, and made him grab her by the throat. "You'll pay for that," he whispered as he ran his hand up her thigh.

She moaned her disgust, kicking her foot up so it connected with his groin. He grunted and collapsed on top of her, his hot, rancid breath on her collarbone. She tried to wiggle her way out from under him, but her tied hands stopped her. Damn. How was she going to get away?

Dreadfully, she realized she wasn't. Everything she was doing was in vain. He was going to do this to her one way or the other.

"Okay," Gotenshi groaned. "I see. Stay here, I'll be back." And then he got up and left.

Haruhi yanked at the rope, but it didn't want to budge. What was she going to do? She had to try and get away, no matter how impossible it was. She couldn't give up. Not like when he tortured her.

Gotenshi came back with rope. Silently, he tied it around her ankles, then raised her legs so that they were parallel with the pole that trapped her hands. And then he tied the rope around the pole, making her legs hang there, revealing her undergarment, keeping her...well, trapped. Trapped under his gaze, trapped under his hands.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Don't do this," she pleaded.

"Too late, honey. You're mine."


Violated and sick to her stomach, Haruhi returned to the living room, where Tamaki stared into the floor with wide, helpless eyes. She knew he heard the whole thing. "Tamaki," she croaked softly. "Tamaki, look at me."

Gradually, he shifted his gaze up, and it early broke her heart. His tears fell over his cheeks. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry, Haruhi..."

Haruhi fell to his side and wrapped her weak arms around his neck. "Listen to me," she whispered. "I'm fine. I will be just fine. He let me come up here on my own, so maybe he'll let up know. So we'll be just fine. I promise."

"Haruhi," Tamaki whispered back.


"If we get out of this alive," he began, swallowing audibly. "...Will you marry me?"

Haruhi pulled back and pressed her mouth to his dry mouth. "Of course I'll marry you," she whispered.

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now