Chapter 11

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A/N: Okay, like I said Turtlelover-san, this chapter goes to you! I hope you like it!!

Who is Rei?

That thought floated through her mind. It was so light, so airy--she had no idea where it came from. Her body felt as if it were in wavy water, carrying her wherever she may drift.

Who is Rei?


"Mama, do you have a brother?"

"No, baby."

"Do you have a sister?"

Mama paused, looking at me with amusement. "Yes, baby," she said in that motherly tone. "Her name is Rei. She's two years older than me."

I stared with excitement and wonder. "What's she look like?"

"Well," she smiled, twirling my long hair with her pretty, manicured finger, "she has brown eyes like us, and she used to have brown hair too, but she dyed it a pretty red color. She's a photographer right now, as far as I know. I haven't talked to her in a long time."

I frowned. "Why not, Mama?"

Mama looked away sadly. "She got mad at me," Mama answered.

Tears pricked my eyes and I jumped forward into her arms, embracing her tightly. Mama paused, then giggled and hugged me back. "What's wrong, baby?" she asked me.

I ignored her question and skipped to my own. "Why did she get mad?"

Mama sighed. "Because she doesn't like..."


Haruhi blinked sleepily at the ceiling. What does Rei not like? she wondered. What was Mom's last name again...?

"Miss Fujiouka?"

Hey...that's Dr. Pui... Haruhi tried talking, but her mouth wouldn't move and her voice wouldn't vocalize. Her body wouldn't move either.

"Miss Fujiouka, please relax. You've had a serious head injury and you've been on morphine for about two hours. You also have a visitor--oh, excuse me, a few visitors."

"Visitors," she tried mumbling. But it came out "Biziterz."

"Yes, Haruhi," Dr. Pui said in a grandfatherly-type way. "They're all here." His voice decreased volume suddenly. "I'm sorry, what did you call yourselves?"

"The Ouran Academy Host Club," she heard...Kyoya? answer.

What are they all doing here? she wondered. How did they find me? Is Senpai here?

"Haru-chan, are you okay?!" Honey-senpai shouted, his childlike voice ringing in her ears. She moaned.

"Mr. Nozuka, please lower your voice," the doctor said gently. "Miss Fujiouka has just been taken off of the morphine. She's very sensitive to sounds right now."

"Oh," Honey said, sounding deflated.

A few sudden, angry thoughts rushed through her mind. What the hell is going on?! Why was I on morphine?! What happened to me that was so bad?!

Then she remembered... The blood... There was so much of it. Where had it come from again? Oh yeah, my head. No wonder it's throbbing.

"Mitskuni," she heard Mori scold. "Stay over here."

Honey giggled cutely. "Okay, Takashi! Can I get on your shoulders?"

"Boss, can you please shut up over there?" Haruhi heard the twins say. Boss--her heart jumped at that, and she faintly heard the heart monitor's beep increase. Well, that's embarrassing... Haruhi heard a sniffle and a contented chuckle come from...was that Kyoya again?

"Go on," someone whispered. How she heard that, she had no idea since she knew it came from the opposite end of the room. "Talk to her. She can hear you."

"Senpai," she mumbled, but it sounded so botched she had to push harder to say it again, clearer this time. "Senpai..."


The heart monitor went crazy and a few more chuckles bounced around the small hospital room.

"Senpai," she mumbled again. She struggled to roll her head to the left, listening to the footsteps coming her way, since she wasn't able to open her eyes.

"Haruhi," Tamaki began, "I'm here."

"Mmm," she sighed, feeling a smile try to tug at her lips. She had completely forgiven him for the Kayli thing already. She shouldn't have run away. She should have faced him, like her mom would have done. She should have faced Kayli too.

"I want you to know that Kayli was lying to you," Tamaki whispered. She felt his hand brush the hair off of her forehead. Good, she thought blissfully.

"Yes," Kyoya suddenly said, authority creeping into his voice. Always wanting the cool spotlight, Haruhi thought with amusement. "After I dropped you off at your house, Tamaki, I went to the hospital to try and find out what she said to Haruhi, since she wouldn't tell you."

Joy lifted Haruhi's heart and it began to beat faster, making the heart monitor beep faster too. More proof she was lying, she thought.

"At first she wouldn't budge, but with a little blackmailing, I worked it all out," Kyoya said lightly. Haruhi could have rolled her eyes--blackmailing, really? Did he have to? It's not like she was a threat to him anyway.

"Well, what did she say, Mommy?" Tamaki whined. Haruhi felt her old, familiar self respond to Tamaki's obnoxious childlike behavior. Her irritation at him made her grunt slightly, but nobody listened anyway.

"She said that she told Haruhi they were dating," Kyoya revealed nonchalantly. "Of course this isn't true" --Haruhi mumbled something in relief-- "so Kayli was obviously trying to get under her skin for some reason. Haruhi," he said to her, "you must be encroaching upon Kayli's so-called 'Tamaki-Territory.'"

Everyone except Haruhi laughed. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks. She was...a threat? Did that mean she was important to Tamaki in a...different way? A less father-daughter type of way? Her blush grew.

"Okay," Dr. Pui suddenly said, "it's time to go. Only one visitor from now on. All of this excitement isn't good for Miss Fujiouka. Go on, shoo..."

She couldn't tell who left and who stayed. But someone's light, even breathing was beside her, coming closer. Senpai, she thought. Please be Senpai...

"Haruhi?" she heard Tamaki whisper. The heart monitor indicated her excitement.

"Mm," she mumbled, doing her absolute best to open her eyes. Let me...see him... Finally, as a last-ditch effort, she forced her eyelids open.

There he was, in all his beauty. "Senpai," she gurgled out. "Don't cry..."

Tamaki's chin quivered and a small tear leaked from the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry she did that to you," he whispered, swallowing. "I'm so--"

"Senpai," she interrupted, her voice and her lips working together to make her words a little more clear. "I'm glad you're here," she mumbled. It sounded more like "mm gld yur here."

Tamaki smiled. "I'm glad you're here too," he chuckled. Then he suddenly sobered, looking at her seriously. "Haruhi, I..." Tamaki gulped. "Can I...

"Can I kiss you?"

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now