Chapter 3

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Haruhi sighed and rolled over for the millionth time. She couldn't sleep, even though it was already past midnight. She knew she had school tomorrow, and she shouldn't under any circumstances be thinking about Tamaki (especially so late), but, well... She couldn't help it. She kept thinking about how close he was, and how close he was to...

And, for the second millionth time, she felt a blush light her cheeks. They had really almost kissed. She had almost kissed him. She wanted to.

"What's happening to me?" she wondered aloud. "After a whole year with the host club, I haven't felt anything toward them. And of all people, it has to be my 'daddy'."

Was it because of what happened a year ago? Did I fall in love with him then? When he saved me?


"Good morning, Haruhi," Kyoya said nonchalantly. "You look tired."

"Yeah, you think?" she replied sarcastically, and a little sullenly. She looked around, then felt a strange relief mixed with worry and disappointment. "Where's Senpai at?"

Kyoya pushed his glasses up his nose. "I haven't seen him."

Hikaru and Kaoru draped their arms over Haruhi's shoulders, and she felt her first stirrings of irritation. "Good morning, Haruhi," they said simultaneously. "You look tired."

"I said the same thing," Kyoya said with a slight smirk. "Now we have to do her makeup. Why haven't you been sleeping?"

Haruhi sighed and ignored them all, ducking out from under the homosexual-incestial twins. She felt their surprised stares on her back as she took a seat on the nearest sofa. Honey, on the opposite couch, sat up sleepily.

"Hey, Haru-chan...where's Tama-chan?"

Haruhi glanced away sadly. "I don't know."

"Are you okay?" Honey asked, a worried tone ringing in his voice.

"Yeah, Honey," she sighed. "I'm fine. Just a little tired...," she trailed off. Suddenly, the lights in Music Room Three began to shut off, and along with them, so did her brain. She fell into unconsciousness easily.



Mmm... Who's that? They sound so sweet...

Haruhi groaned and rolled over, only to be stopped by a strong chest.


She snapped her chocolate eyes open, the emblem of Ouran Academy in her face. She blinked a few times, then looked up to see who was holding her so closely.

"Hey," Tamaki smiled. "I see you're awake."

Haruhi blushed from head to toe. "S-senpai! What's going--"

"Don't worry. I'm just taking you to my house. I told you that you were sick."

It didn't even feel like he was walking. Though she was still groggy, so that might be part of it. "What time is it?" she asked. "What happened? How long have I been out?"

Tamaki chuckled. "One question at a time. School is over if that's what you want to know. It's been over for about an hour."

"You mean I slept all day?!" she squeaked. "But what about the girls? My requests?"

"Relax, Haruhi," he cooed. "They understood you didn't feel good. The school excused your absences to class too. And you slept through all of our after school meeting."

"Wait..." she began. "You said your house... What did my dad say to you about that?"

Tamaki smiled again and she felt a small rush of pleasure at his beauty. "Your dad said that he had some work to do tonight anyway, so having you over was fine with him."

"Why didn't you just take me to my house?" she grumbled.

He grinned. "Because."

Haruhi pouted and looked away, then finally recognized her surroundings. They were about a block away from his mansion, which she had only been to one time before. (It was unnecessarily big in her opinion.) How she remembered this, she had no clue.

"How come you didn't take a car?" she asked. "Wouldn't that be easier?"

Tamaki shrugged. "I guess I just felt like walking. I like watching the city when it's twilight."

Haruhi blinked up at him, flushing again at his absolute beauty. Her fist on his chest relaxed and soon she laid her head back down. Less than ten quiet minutes later, they were at his mansion.

"Hello, Master Tamaki. Welcome home. Shall I--oh, who is this?"

At an old woman's question, she raised her head sleepily and smiled. "Hey."

The old lady smiled sweetly. "Hello, Miss Fujiouka. Are you here to stay?"

Blushing again, she nodded. In her ear was Tamaki's light, soft voice. "Get her some soup and clothes, please."

"Of course, sir."

Tamaki was walking again, his footsteps echoing across the marble floors. She felt them ascend some stairs, walk a little more, then walk into a small room. It was warm and obviously carpeted since she could no longer hear his feet. Haruhi raised her head and glanced around.

She was right, there was carpet; it was a pretty creamy color, like mocha coffee, with whitish-purple drapes and a big, silky-looking bed. Tamaki brought he over to it and laid her down gently.

"I'll be right back," he whispered.

Before he could leave though, she reached out with her remaining strength and grasped his wrist. "Don't go," she breathed.

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now