Chapter 10

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Tamaki's nerves were so frayed they were nonexistent. "We found blood," Kyoya had revealed. "I had our top-of-the-line scientists to scrape it up, and they figured out it was Haruhi's. We're following her trail right now."

Now he was being escorted to the opposite side of town, where they suspected her to be. They said it was a suburban town called East Rose. He didn't question it; the Ootori's had ways.

A few minutes passed, and his nonexistent nerves grew back, nagging at him. Haruhi's bleeding, Haruhi's bleeding, they said. Tamaki swallowed. It's your fault, his subconscious sneered.

Tamaki sighed and pushed his thoughts away. Haruhi would be fine.

Until he turned around at the sound of sirens.

In dread, he watched an ambulance pass them up. He gulped and leaned forward, speaking lowly in the driver's ear. "Follow that ambulance."

"But, sir, Mr. Ootori said--"

"I don't care what he said, that might be Haruhi in there!" Tamaki yelled. "Now go!"

"Yes, sir," the driver said, pushing his foot down on the gas pedal and lurching them forward. The ambulance turned down a few roads, sirens blaring loudly, before pulling into a small suburban house.

The GPS said, Desfination reached.

Tamaki's heart dropped to his stomach, sweat rolling down his clammy forehead. "This is East Rose," he whispered. "This is where Haruhi is."

"Sir, look!" The driver pointed to the opening door. First came out a lady, with big brown eyes and auburn hair, who was frantically waving the paramedics in. Tamaki's eyes just barely caught a streak of blood on her white welcoming carpet.

Tamaki leaped out of the car without a second thought. He ran into the house and followed the trail of blood. His vision blurred with frightened tears.

"Be careful! She's so small..."

"Ma'am, please calm down, we know what we're doing."

He stopped--and so did everyone else. They all turned and stared, the confusion obvious in their eyes. Then Tamaki's eyes landed on the body passed out on the floor.

Horror crept through his frozen veins. Haruhi lay there, eyes closed, blood on her forehead and her arms and even her legs. She must have bled more than he thought. Then suddenly, everything seemed to leap into action again. The paramedics picked Haruhi up and carried her out to the ambulance which still sounded loudly throughout the neighborhood. Tamaki felt the stranger-lady's voice reverberate in his head, her strong hands gripping his arms and shaking him, but he wouldn't wake from his stupor. He couldn't. All he could see was the blood. It was everywhere in his mind--across the walls, flooding the floor, dripping from the ceiling.


Her name was like a haven from the blood bath. Like light at the end of the tunnel. He followed the sound of it, hoping it would lead him to her. The "her" that wasn't covered in her own blood.

Haruhi needs your help.

He paused at those words. Why did she need his help again?

Haruhi is hurt. She needs your help.

He didn't hesitate. He flung himself into the "light," knowing that if Haruhi ever needed him, he would be there.


"Sir, answer me," someone said. As his vision cleared, he noticed her as the woman who had been ushering the paramedics into her home. He blinked at her, surprised at her angry, flushed face. "Who are you?" she said exasperatedly.

"Oh, I'm Tamaki Suoh," he replied, flabbergasted. This woman was unusual, like Haruhi first was when she came to the host club. She wasn't affected by him at all; well, at least not in the way that he was used to.

"What are you doing in my home?" the woman demanded.

It dawned on him-- "Haruhi!" he gasped. "Where is she?" He whipped his head around, no longer hearing the sirens of the ambulance.

The lady propped her hands on her hips in an annoyed sort of way. "They left with her about five minutes ago," she sighed. "Now would you like to tell me--"

"Come on, there's no time to waste!" Tamaki grabbed the woman by her wrist and pulled her out the door. "We have to go! What hospital did that ambulance go to?"

"U-um, East Rose Hospital," she sputtered. "Why?"

Tamaki opened the car door and grinned. "Because Haruhi needs me."

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now