Chapter 32

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It was always when--she happened. He couldn't tell what time it was. What day it was. Or even if weeks had passed or not. All he knew was that it was painful.

He didn't get abused as often as Haruhi did. He had a few bruises along his ribs from where he was kicked, a couple of bruises dotting his jawline, and maybe even a sprained ankle from where he'd been thrown down a couple of times.

He wanted to fight back so badly. But he couldn't. For one, he was too injured to even get on his feet anymore. And two...


"Shut the fuck up," Gotenshi snarled, back-handing him in the face. Tamaki groaned as black spots blossomed across his vision, making him stumble from loss of balance. "You don't speak. You don't breathe, without my say-so."

Tamaki clenched his fists and stood, ready to throw a punch at him. But he stopped it...with his own hand. Shock shown on Tamaki's face.

Gotenshi looked at him coldly. "I know you know about me. Kayli's assassin."

Tamaki's blood ran cold. So he was right. "Kayli hired you to kill us?" he breathed in horror.

Gotenshi grinned maliciously. "No. She hired me to kill Haruhi Fujiouka." Rage made his vision go red, blocking out the pain, fueling his tired muscles with adrenaline. Kayli? Hired him to kill--Haruhi?! Before he could react anymore, Gotenshi spoke. "But what she doesn't know won't kill her. So I'll finish you off, too."

Dread settled in the pit of his stomach. They really were going to die. Well, he thought, not without a fight.

Obviously, Gotenshi saw the resolve on his face because he smiled knowingly, squeezing Tamaki's fist until he heard a crack or two. Tamaki gasped in pain, crumpling under the pressure. "If you say anything to Haruhi, I'll kill her in front of you. So keep your mouth shut and she'll live."


He had to protect her in any way he could. By "keeping his mouth shut," she got to live a little bit longer. Even with his valiant efforts, though, she got the worse end of the beating.

He could never stop the tears or the screams when he watched Gotenshi do that to her. But he couldn't do anything. He had been chained to the wall, a repercussion from jumping at the man the first time around. Only once was Haruhi knocked out, but with an adrenaline shot from Gotenshi, she was back up to experience the pain he brought.

Sometimes he would burn them, other times he would cut them. When they back-talked, they would get beaten by him for a good few minutes. So far, though, that's all he would dish out. And they were starting to get used to it. A little. Or at least Tamaki was. He could only hope Haruhi was.

Today was...different. Gotenshi had a distinct look on his face, one that Tamaki found dreadfully familiar. He wasn't as excited as usual...he was more angry. Agitated. And they were going to get the brunt of it.

"Guess who contacted me today," he growled as he came in, playing with his toys lain on the table by the door. That's where he kept most of his things.

Tamaki wasn't allowed to speak since he was favorited least, so Haruhi spoke. "Who?" she croaked softly.

Haruhi had more bruises than one could count, with a collection of recent scars and bloodied scabs along with it. All across her arms were little cuts made with a sharp knife that had scabbed overnight. The blood was still visible. Some burns from cigarettes could be seen on one of her shoulders if the sleeve of her dress could fall a little. (Yes, she was still wearing the dress from their date... The long sleeves had been cut up around her upper arms, and it was dirty from not being washed and rubbed all across the dusty floorboards.) Her left eye was swollen from his punch not even an hour and a half ago, her jaw dark with blue and purple and black bruises, and her mouth smeared with her blood that she coughed up every time he threw a fist into her stomach. It was torture to watch, but it probably hurt worse to feel it.

"My mother," he laughed. It wasn't a careless, carefree laugh. It wasn't pretty. "Do you know what she wanted?"

"No, what?"

"She wanted to know if I was still in assassination," he answered, a tiny chuckle riding with it. "Do you know what I told her?" he continued as he turned around.

Haruhi shook her head.

A menacing grin took over his face, his eyes alight with dark humor and dark ideas. "I said I was more into torture."

Tamaki's eyes then fell on the item in his hand. It was threatening and sharp, gleaming under the little light the ceiling fan let off. I wonder who he's going to go after first? Tamaki already knew the answer, even when he began to advance toward Haruhi.

Her whimpers echoed in his ears, but he couldn't do anything. He was helpless. His fists clenched, knuckles white at the sound of her fright, her pain, her defeat. That always happened. She would be scared, and then the pain would kick in, and then she would give up.

Just like you are, a little patronizing voice told him. He pushed it away with ferocity. It was to protect her. It was the only way.

"Oh, Haruhi, giving up already?" Gotenshi chuckled. In Tamaki's peripherals, he could see the man lean in and trail his lips along her cheek up to her temple. Tamaki and Gotenshi locked eyes as he kissed her forehead.

Tamaki had never felt fury so strongly before in his life. Tamaki stood, adrenaline pumping through his muscles, blocking the pain he felt in his body. "You don't touch her again," he ordered through clenched teeth.

"Or what?" Gotenshi taunted. "You'll hit me? How, Suoh?" His voice grew darker, more sinister. "You're chained to a wall, with your hands behind your back. You can't get to me."

Tamaki smirked. "If you have me chained to a wall you must be scared of me."

Gotenshi's laugh echoed throughout the room, making Tamaki shudder with anger. "Scared? No, I just need you out of my way," he specified, sauntering over to him. "Wouldn't want you to ruin my fun," he added in a laughing whisper, raising his knife and carving an X into his cheek. Tamaki winced.

"Besides, Haruhi is mine," he smiled. Tamaki felt tears of fury fall over his cheeks, his left one stinging from his fresh cuts.

"She is not yours," he snapped. "She doesn't belong to anyone!"

"Oh, on the contrary," Gotenshi murmured. "I will make her mine soon enough. I just need to find the right motivation."

The dread he was so used to feeling bubbled up, causing him to glance over at Haruhi in horror. Her head was hanging, hair sticking to her face, revealing just the tiniest bit of the fear in her eye. He could see her small frame shaking, but he doubted it was from the cold. Her hands seemed slack in her lap.

"Right motivation," Tamaki repeated in a whisper.

Gotenshi smirked. "That's right. And I think I just found it."

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt