Chapter 19-2

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Alrighty, this is the non-lemon part. Here you are!

Haruhi fluttered her eyes open at the bright light filtering through the windows. She noticed that the walls that were meant to be robin-egg blue were a pretty shade of stained oak. The bed she laid on was as hard as a rock, too, when it was supposed to be as soft as pillows. That must mean I'm not in my room.

Haruhi glanced down at the strong arms around her, trapping her in an embrace. She followed the arm up to its owner, smiling when she saw Tamaki's sleeping, baby-like face. Small, sparkling tears were at the corners of his eyes, wetting his eyelashes. Her smile faded into a frown. Why was he crying?

She did her best to turn around so that she was completely facing him. "Senpai...," she murmured, brushing the hair off of his forehead. "Senpai, wake up."

Tamaki's eyebrows grew together for a moment before his eyes slowly blinked open, staring right into hers. "Haruhi," he mumbled incoherently. "What time is it?"

She grinned. "I guess it's early. For you. I don't know."

Tamaki chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Good morning to you too."

"So where are we?"

"In my treehouse."

Haruhi blinked in surprise. "You have a treehouse?"

"Yes," he smiled. "I've had it since I was about seven."

"So... What are we doing up here?" Haruhi laughed at his lost expression. "Well, can I at least get down so I can take a shower?"

Tamaki laughed with her. "Sure. Follow me." They both got out of the bed, which she found out was actually a cot, and padded down the stairs (what?). Haruhi let Senpai lead, following him down a multitude of halls and corridors and bends.

Finally, Tamaki sighed. "Here. This is our best bathroom."

Haruhi stepped though the ridiculously expensive-looking door and into an even more expensive-looking bathroom. It was all glass--glass separate shower (with so many shower heads there were too many to count), porcelain tub, glass sink with stainless steel faucets and drawer handles. Everything.

"Jeez, Senpai, what's with all the--" She stopped in her tracks as she turned around. Where did he go? Worried, she jogged to the door and poked her head out. "Senpai?" she called. Her voice echoed.

"Miss Fujiouka, please, keep your voice down."

Son of a bitch! Haruhi almost jumped out of her skin as she turned around to find a young woman with long brown hair and tan skin. "Who are you?" she gasped.

The woman smiled brightly. "I am Akemi. I've brought you some clothes and toiletries."

"Oh," Haruhi replied, still shocked by her sudden appearance. "Thank you."

"Here you are," Akemi said, digging into the bag at her side. She pulled out a new set of silky-looking clothes and a toothbrush and toothpaste. Haruhi clumsily took it in her hands and mumbled another thanks. "I'll be going now. Just tell me if you need anything more, Miss Fujiouka."

"Oh, um, I'm sorry to ask this," she said immediately, "but could you get me a razor and shaving cream?"


She didn't know where Tamaki had gone, but she did know that the shower was the best shower she'd ever been in, no matter how confusing. She had to have been in there for at least an hour already. But she'd gotten her business done, so she supposed it was okay. Besides, it's not like they'd run out of hot water.

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now