Chapter 8

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Sleep wasn't possible for Tamaki. So many things weighed on his mind... His grandmother for one. Tamaki never though he would see her so...unpresentable. In his mind, she was always a straightforward kind of woman, who didn't take crap from anyone and who was always striving to be perfect, but never showed how hard she tried. She was strong, and to see her like that put everything in a different perspective.

In reality, she was just an old woman, susceptible to disease and sickness and even death. He had to admit, he'd never been so scared in his life. She didn't even have the strength to insult him.

He recalled how she couldn't find him when she opened her glassy eyes. His heart broke for a second time, but there was nothing he could do about it.

There was nothing he could do about Haruhi either. So far, Kyoya had no information on their Haruhi Hunt. But he kept hoping. He kept hoping and praying to whichever god or goddess would listen to him.

The thing that hurt him the most was how useless he felt. He couldn't help find Haruhi because he "needed his rest." Tamaki rolled his eyes. "I'm rested enough," he muttered.

But in fact, he couldn't get any rest. None at all. He couldn't bear to look at the dark circles under his eyes or see his pasty skin. So when he went to the bathroom, he avoided the mirrors. His appearance would be a disgrace to the host club, he knew.

Still, he wished he wasn't "dripping with good looks," as everyone told him. It made him a target, whether it be for good or bad reasons. Either way, he stuck out, and it made him uncomfortable.

Maybe that's why he enjoyed staying with Haruhi so much. She didn't judge him, or anyone, and she paid attention to him, rather than his face.

On some level, he loathed the host club. He didn't like the fawning girls--he liked the ones that enjoyed having a conversation. Like Haruhi. But it was his duty to keep the girls entertained--he was the one who invented the club anyway! If he came out with his true feelings, he would probably be shunned. From his own club, no less.

Tamaki sighed aloud and rolled over in his bed. The sun was high in the sky, the sky blue without a single cloud. In his huge window that overlooked the backyard garden, he watched the animals play and the flowers sway with the breeze. A long time ago, when he was around six or seven, he had requested that a treehouse be built in the huge oak tree that shaded the whole backyard. It had been built, of course, but after a few days, he had gotten bored with it.

Tamaki rolled his eyes at himself. Why had he been so spoiled? He stood from his bed and glanced around with a small grin on his face.


Millions of times, the servants frantically asked if they could help, but he declined every time. He would do it on his own; Haruhi would do the same. He had to learn to be self reliant.

Tamaki had blankets this trip. He had already brought up a cot he had borrowed from the storage closet, as well as little storage bins. All he had left that he wanted was some pillows.

With a little more difficulty than the cot, he brought up the blankets to his treehouse. Nothing was set up, all of his new supplies being in the corner for now. He set the blankets down, then went to get some pillows.

As he brought them back, more servants came up, asking if they could help in any way. "I'm alright," he'd say and then go about his business. He got the pillows in the house and went back down once more for the...uh, what did Haruhi call it? Ah--uhh--broom! Yeah, that was it.

"Tamaki Suoh."

Tamaki froze in place and guiltily turned around. "Yes?" he replied sullenly.

"You are not supposed to be out of bed, let alone doing things commoners do," Shima scolded.

"But I'm perfectly fine--"

"Mr. Suoh, go back to your room now," she ordered with a firm voice.

"No," he said stubbornly. "I don't--"

Suddenly, a ding came at their doorbell, cutting them both off. "Who in the world...?" Shima muttered. She shuffled to the door with Tamaki trailing behind her, the doorbell ringing repeatedly.

Shima put a wide, welcoming smile on her face and gently opened the door. "Welcome to the Suoh mansion. How may I--"


Tamaki stopped in his tracks, staring at the most angry Ranka he had ever seen. She was red in the face and her hair was frizzed out around her. "Yes?" he squeaked.

"Where the hell is my daughter?!?" Ranka screamed.

"Well, um," he whispered, glancing around, looking at everything but Haruhi's dad. "I, uhh..."

"Mrs. Fujiouka?"

Tamaki sighed in extreme relief as Kyoya walked up the steps. He had a pleasant, heart-stealing smile plastered to his lips, directed right at Haruhi's father. Ranka turned, still fuming, and said, "What do you want, Kyoya?!"

"Are you here for Haruhi?" Kyoya asked lightly. Tamaki stared at him, hoping he had some kind of plan. Shima glared at Tamaki, but slowly went back inside, making releif spread through him again.

"Yes," Ranka snapped. "Where is she? She hasn't been home for a whole day. She's always home." Ranka turned back around and glared at Tamaki. "What did you do with her?"

Tamaki shook his head. "N-no, I didn't do anything," he sputtered.

"Mrs. Fujiouka," Kyoya said gently, causing Ranka to turn around and look at him again. He continued, "The Ootori family took her shopping in Tokyo city today by the Suoh family's request."

Ranka blinked. "Shopping?"

Kyoya nodded and Haruhi's dad glanced at Tamaki for confirmation, who nodded too. Ranka suddenly smiled. "Oh? My little girl? Finally shopping for clothes?"

Ranka smiled at Tamaki now. "And your family made her go?"

"Yep," he replied nervously. "I thought she could use some new clothes."

Ranka flew forward and hugged Tamaki by his neck. "Oh, thank you! My baby girl is becoming a girl!" Ranka released him and sighed. "I have a funeral to go to a few days away, so Haruhi can stay here longer. I'm trusting you to keep her safe!" she called as she walked down the steps and though the gate. "Bye Tamaki! Bye Kyoya!"

Kyoya turned to Tamaki with serious eyes now. "We found something," he said.

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now