Chapter 18

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Tamaki stared in shock as Haruhi brought her fist back, and for a moment, it seemed like slow-motion as she threw her fist forward.

Right into Kayli's face.

Gasps of astonishment came from everyone watching, including the people around their little group. Tamaki saw Kayli fly backwards, falling on her butt. Haruhi clutched her fist to her chest, bending over and groaning.

Tamaki was at a loss. Who the hell do I comfort?!

Kayli took her hand away from her nose and looked at it. Tamaki blanched at the blood covering her once-white teeth. She glared at Haruhi and spit the blood onto the shiny, clean floors (gross).

"Bitch! You think you can just punch me and get away with it?" Kayli spat. "I am of a much higher class than you! All of you dirty, filthy commoners are the same! You're all--"

"Common?" Haruhi interrupted. "Yeah, I know. I've had to live with it all my life. And I go to a goddamn private academy! You don't think I've dealt with measly bullies like you?"

"Measly? You little whore!" Kayli screamed, catching the attention of everyone in that hall. "First you take Tamaki, and then you call me a fucking bully? Who the hell cares, huh? You're just a regular commoner, someone who could die right now and no one would care!"

"I have plenty of people who care!" Haruhi shouted. Tamaki was shocked at the tears flowing down her cheeks. "I have my friends and my family!"

Kayli stood and got up close to Haruhi's face, her fierce eyes glaring at her with extreme distaste. "Who the hell cares about friends? What matters is how society looks at you. If you don't shine, they shun you. Remember, people always see the bad in you. They always see the bad things that happen, never the good." Kayli's voice went lower, to a more sinister tone. "My parents died because a commoner like you killed them. And after that, I was suddenly popular in school." An insane glint took over her blue eyes. "All the people flocked to me. They expected me to ruin other people's lives. And you know what? It wasn't so bad," she sneered.

Haruhi's face had already gone blank. "What was the name of your parents' killer?" she whispered.

"What?" Kayli snapped. "It doesn't matter. I'm going to ruin you."

Haruhi's expression suddenly grew cold. "What the hell makes you think you can just control people? You can't fuck people's lives up like that! Don't you have a damn heart?"

Kayli smirked. "Tamaki has it," she answered.

All the while, Tamaki had been frozen, unable to completely analyze the situation. He had never seen this side of Haruhi or Kayli, never having been told what really happened. It was too much to take in. Haruhi was bullied in school? Why didn't she ever tell me? He knew Kayli's parents had been shot, but for what? All of these mind boggling questions banged against his skull, demanding answers.

And then Kayli's words sunk in. Tamaki has it. He blinked. "I have what?" he asked plainly.

Kayli rolled her eyes as Haruhi turned and glared. "What the hell, Tamaki?" Haruhi growled. "What is she talking about, you have her heart?"

Tamaki blinked again. He glanced to the people around him--his host club, the curious patients, the doctors and nurses. They were all waiting for him to answer her. But how did he respond? He had to keep Kayli as sane as possible. But was it worth hurting Haruhi?

No. It wasn't. It would never be.

Tamaki stared at Kayli with an expression made of stone. "I'm sorry. You're wrong."

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now