Chapter 25

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Tamaki knew the school year would go fast, but not as fast as it had been. Before he knew it, graduation was a week away.

After school, in the host club's hour, everyone sat around Mitskuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka, since this was their last day until graduation. Honey was smiling brightly and Mori's smile was small. All of the girls swooned.

"We're going to miss you two!"

"What college are you going to?"

"Will you come back and visit?"

Honey laughed heartily, his childlike voice ringing throughout the room, making everyone smile fondly. "I hope so!" he giggled. "Takashi and I are going to open up a dojo!"

"Mitskuni, that was meant to be a secret," Takashi scolded.

Tamaki chuckled and stood, heading over to where Haruhi poured the commoner's coffee. She smiled at him. "It's not going to be the same once they leave," she mused.

"No, but we'll find somebody to take their place," Tamaki said. "So, Haruhi, are you excited about America next week?"

"What?" a guest said, walking up. "Haruhi, you're going to America?"

Haruhi smiled "naturally" at her. "Yes, my aunt asked me to go. She's very sweet."

Tamaki half-smiled to himself as the guest made fan-girl hearts. He did that on the inside when she smiled like that, too.

"So what are you going to do over the summer, Tamaki?" the girl asked.

Tamaki grinned and took a tray of coffee from Haruhi, who had another tray in her hands. "I'm going to work at the host club's restaurant," he lied. "Be sure to drop by. We'll reveal the name at graduation."

What nobody knew, except Kyoya and Rei of course, was that he was actually going to go to America with Haruhi.

"Oh, that's going to be amaz--" Suddenly their guest was cut off by the opening of Music Room Three's doors. For some reason, it was incredibly dramatic as everyone turned their heads to see who was coming in so late. Everybody knew the club started at four and ended at five. It was already four-forty.

Through the doors came two boys. Freshman, it looked like. One had shaggy white hair and lazy blue eyes. His bag was over his shoulder, tie sloppily undone as he slouched. The other had perfect posture and was perfectly presentable. His hair was combed to the left side, and his eyes were catlike, green, and secretive. Like he knew things about people that no one else would. His hands were in his pockets.

"Hello, Yoh. Kori," Kyoya greeted in cool business voice. Everyone stared. "Hosts, ladies, meet our auditions."

Immediately, all the girls flocked to them curiously. Tamaki joined them, inspecting them like a king should. He caught that the lazy one was named Yoh and the perfectionist was named Kori. Yes, this could work... The chill type, and the mysterious type. Tamaki smiled widely, determinedly, holding his hand out to Kori. "It's a pleasure to meet you two," he began in a regal voice. "I hope you find our host club to your liking."

"Yes, it's very..." Kori paused as he shook hands with Tamaki, smiling a secret, humorous smile. "Quaint."

"Yeah, it's cool," Yoh added with a toothy smirk.

Kyoya approached the three of them with a pleasant expression. "Please follow me," he said. Immediately into business-mode, Tamaki watched as Kyoya led them to a spare table. Tamaki knew to let Kyoya lead this little ordeal.

Honey suddenly came up beside him with a sour look on his face. Takashi followed, along with Haruhi and the devilish twins. "Hey, what's wrong, Honey-senpai?" Haruhi asked.

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now