Chapter 4

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"Don't go."

Tamaki's heart stopped at her expression. It was full of need, desperate brown eyes smoldering. "Please," she added in a barely-there whisper. "Don't leave me alone."

Tamaki's heart lurched back up at the idea of staying with her. "Okay," he submitted. He got in the bed with her, wrapping his arms around her petite frame. She buried her small head into his chest, her hands gripping his jacket tightly.

His heartbeat was loud in his ears, but the only sound he could really hear, or even focus on, was her soft breaths.

A few minutes later, a quiet knock on the door snapped him back into reality. "Yes?" he called, keeping his voice as low as possible.

The door opened silently. "Master Tamaki, I have her clothes and soup. Would you like to dress her or should I?"

Tamaki flushed and wasn't able to look at his servant. "I will," he mumbled. "Set the clothes on the bed and put the soup on the nightstand."

"Yes, sir." Without another word, she did as she was told and left.

"So you're going to dress me now?"

Tamaki groaned in embarrassment. "Sorry, Haruhi. Do you want me to go?"

"No," she whispered, pulling on his jacket so they were nearly touching at every part. "Don't go. Just...turn around."

Tamaki chucked nervously. "You'll have to release me first."

"Oh," she said. Immediately he was let go and he released her as well, scooting back until he was at the edge of the bed. He grabbed her clothes--which were embarrassingly revealing and red--and handed them to her shakily. She snatched them up and he turned around automatically.

As she dressed, he decided to remove his shoes and jacket. Before he could take off his button-up though, she said, "Uh, do you have anything with a little more--coverage?"

Tamaki turned to inspect her but was stopped in his tracks. Whoa. The red outfit was pure satin, just a camisole and boy shorts. Her slightly longer hair seemed ruffled a little and it gave him a strange sense of pleasure to see her...bothered? Was that the term?

Tamaki swallowed and realized she was waiting for an answer. "I can ask if we have anything a little less..." He trailed off, a blush making him stumble over his next words. "I-I mean, uh, it's, um..."

Haruhi rolled her eyes and crawled into the bed. She turned the other way, back to him. "Let's just go to sleep, okay, Senpai?"

Tamaki paused, then smiled and shrugged. Haruhi. He took a minute to unbutton his shirt and throw it to the ground before crawling in beside her and pulling her to his chest. She felt so small in his arms.

Just before he was falling asleep, he felt Haruhi grab his hand and entwine their fingers.


Tamaki awoke to a clash of thunder and Haruhi's scream. He sat straight up--where was she?! But after a few heart-dropping moments, he sighed with relief when he noticed her in a corner. "Haruhi," he said gently. "It's okay, come here."

"No, I..." Another bang of thunder, another terrified scream. "I can't," she whimpered after a minute.

Tamaki felt his heart clench with worry and sadness. Even after so much time, she was still just a frightened little girl all on her own. He stood up and made his way over to her, then crouched down beside her. He heard small whimpers eminating from her tiny, trembling body, and once more his heart clenched. Oh, Haruhi.

Another bang of thunder, another terrified scream. Tamaki leaned in close. Took her head between his hands. And brought her into an embrace.

He knew this wasn't the kind of hug a father would give his daughter. Or a friend would give to comfort another. This was a lover's embrace...and she returned it.

He felt her tears roll down his bare chest for a while, but her breathing soon returned to normal. She no longer screamed when thunder sounded, nor did she shiver when lightning struck.

"Thank you, Tamaki," she murmured after a while. He just held her closer, burying his nose into her brown hair. "Tamaki, I--"


He raised his head in irritation as Kayli burst through the door. But as he saw her frightened expression and teary eyes, he felt compunction.

"Kayli? What's the matter?" he asked softly as she fell to her knees in front of him. Haruhi had grown suspiciously silent, but he hadn't let go of her.

Kayli took a deep breath to speak, but suddenly stopped when she saw Haruhi in his arms. "Who's this?" she asked shakily.

Tamaki looked down at Haruhi and felt his face soften. "Haruhi, this is Kayli, my, um... Acquaintance."

"Pleased to meet you," Kayli said stiffly. Haruhi nodded shortly, and Tamaki wondered if they were going to have problems.

"What's going on, Kayli? Why did you come in here? And how did you find me?"

"The servants told me," she whispered. "Tamaki, it's your grandmother."

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now