Chapter 20

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"We have to go shopping," he said.

Haruhi rolled her eyes. "Oh, yeah. Kyoya told my dad. So when are we leaving?" she grumbled reluctantly.

Tamaki smiled. "We can leave now and get it over with, or we can leave tomorrow, which is the day your dad is coming back. So we're leaving today."

Haruhi pouted. "Can't we just say I didn't like anything in Tokyo?"

"No," he said, sitting up and reaching for their clothes. "Besides, I need new clothes, too."

Haruhi mumbled something that sounded like "damn rich people."


"Master Tamaki, I do insist that you let our servants come with you. Or at least a body guard!"

Tamaki rolled his eyes at Shima as he brushed through his hair. Haruhi was in another room, cleaning herself up as well. "Why would we need a body guard, Shima? Besides, I'm going to see Grandmother today to see how she's doing. Not many people are allowed in hospitals. You know that, right?"

"Of course I know that," Shima snapped. She threw his jacket at him and he caught it with a smug grin. "I'm just saying, the girl needs protection. And so do you! You're Shizue's prized possession, the boy who will marry someone--"

"Look, Shima," Tamaki interrupted, "I don't want to think about marriage right now. I want to be with Haruhi."

Shima pressed her old, wrinkled lips together. "You know you can't marry a commoner."

Tamaki sighed. "I honestly don't care right now. No body guards, no servants. This is my date, and I don't want anyone to bother us."


"Wow," Haruhi murmured, staring out of the limo window. "It's so big. I haven't been to the city."

Tamaki felt a happy smile tug at his lips as he grasped he hand and entwined their fingers. "Never?" he asked.

Haruhi shook her head. Then she gasped and pointed out the window, a fascinated gleam in her chocolate eyes. "Look, Senpai! It's Macy's! I've never been there... Oh, and Rue 21! I only see that store on commercials!"

Tamaki grinned and pressed a button. "Sir?" a voice came through.

"Driver, please take us to that Rue 21."


Haruhi's mouth dropped open cutely as they walked into the store. "There's so much," she breathed, eyes alight with a shopping-hunger he had never seen in her before. Even though she was going to get new clothes, he quite liked the shorts and t-shirt she had on now. It accented every curve.

So that every guy in a ten-mile radius can see, the jealousy in his head sneered.

"Come on!" Haruhi grabbed his hand and pulled him to the clothes section. "I have to get this!"

By the time Haruhi was done shopping in Rue 21, she had clothes stacked up to his neck. "Please tell me this is it," Tamaki grumbled to himself. "I don't think I can handle another round of this."

Haruhi turned and smiled brightly at him. "Thank you for taking me here," she giggled.

Okay, maybe it isn't so bad.


The sun was beginning to set when they finally got done. Tamaki was wrong; it was that bad. Even though she never really tried anything on, she pawed through everything. Everything. And he was absolutely exhausted. He hardly got the time to get clothes himself.

"Hey, Haruhi, are you hungry?" he asked her as they sunk back into the limousine's leather seats. "We could go eat."

"Really?" she asked. "I'm ravenous."

Tamaki pressed the button. "Take us to--" He looked to Haruhi. "What do you want?" he asked.

She pursed her lips and thought for a second. "A sushi bar?" she shrugged.

"Take me to the best sushi restaurant you know in town."


The driver knew exactly what he was doing. He took them to the most romantic restaurant in town--Fushimi. Even though it was small, and a little cheap for Tamaki, he knew it was the perfect sushi place for her. He'd heard they had the best miso soup.

"Whoa," Haruhi mumbled, rubbing her arm as they stepped into Fushimi. "Fancy."

Tamaki held her close to him, the dim lighting making her look as beautiful as ever. "You haven't seen fancy," he chucked to himself. "Come. Let's find a table," he told her after kissing her temple lovingly.


Near a secluded corner was a small table for two, and the few tables around it were unoccupied. Tamaki led her to her seat, and did all the gentlemanly things, like he was supposed to. Like a host was supposed to.

"I should have dressed in something nicer," Haruhi said, blushing and glancing around at the kimono-clad women and men in slacks.

Tamaki shook his head. "You look beautiful."

"Hello, what would you like to drink?" A waitress came up to the table and smiled a friendly smile.

"Tea," Haruhi said.

"Same," Tamaki answered.

"Thank you, we'll be back with your menus shortly."

Haruhi looked at Tamaki from under her eyelashes, making him wonder what she was up to. Turning him on was not a good thing to do at the moment. "Thank you, Senpai," she murmured.

Tamaki breathed a silent sigh of relief. "I've never seen you so excited before," he observed with mild curiosity.

Haruhi blushed and smiled guiltily. "I never go shopping because Dad has bad taste in clothes." They both laughed.

"Here you are," the waitress announced, setting two cups of tea on their table, along with two menus.

Just as Tamaki was about to take a sip from his drink, his cell phone rang. He paused in surprise. Who would be calling him? He looked to Haruhi and she seemed just a curious. She nodded for him to answer it and he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Kyoya?" he said aloud. He opened his phone and spoke. "Hello?"

"Tamaki, you need to get to the hospital right now."

Immediately, Tamaki was in the most serious mood he'd been in all day. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Kyoya's voice was unusually nervous and shaky. "Shizue--she went into cardiac arrest, Tamaki!"

So Many Problems (OHSHC) [Haruhi x Tamaki] {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now