Chapter 2

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Saturday finally a sleep in. I glanced at my bedside clock. It was 2pm in the afternoon. I felt refreshed so I dragged myself from my bed and put on my running gear, deciding to shower after the run.

I pulled my hot pink crop top from Lorna Jane over my head and pulled up my matching black running shorts. I quickly did my hair into a high pony and put a headband on. I put on waterproof makeup. Who knows what would happen if people saw me without makeup. All I know is it would be bad for my flawless reputation.

I walked down the marble staircase and went to the fridge. I grabbed an apple and poured myself a glass of milk. No calories in that. Before you all judge me and call me vain I want to point out that I'm not. I would much prefer to live in a world where no one judges you by appearance or reputation but unfortunately we don't live in that world so I have to try hard to keep people thinking I'm always that happy, bubbly, pretty and rich girl. It isn't exactly a lie.

But there is a lot about me I would kill to change. For example my curly long hair should be dead straight. I need a tan desperately. I want to be smarter. But the two most important ones are I wish I was skinnier. I want a thigh gap like the models. The other important thing I want to change is my parents. I know they both love their jobs, and the income is great but I wish they had time for me. They are always overseas or when in London way too busy to talk. Dad is always spending the nights on music video sets and movie sets while Mum works crazy hours doing late night talk shows and early morning breakfast shows. I wish they had time to ask me about my day.


The warm afternoon breeze hit my face as I jogged through the streets of London. I had a lot of energy to burn off. I was now running past school. EW. I stopped running and took a seat to drink from my water bottle. I was just sitting there looking out at the school when a motorbike pulled up.

"Hello love" A raspy voice spoke. I turned around to find the one and only Zayn Malik looking at me, his caramel coloured eyes burning into me.

"Zayn right?" I asked trying to keep my cool. Zayn didn't exactly have a good reputation. His screamed bad boy. I watched Zayn light a cigarette and take a long drag.

"Who else would I be?" Zayn smirked. I felt myself laugh.

"Why do you have a motorbike?" I found myself asking. "To take lovely runners back home" Zayn's raspy voice said. "Get on Jade" He demanded.

"No I'm fine" I said turning away and running back home. "Don't you dare" Zayn growled, gripping my wrist. He pinned me against the wall. "Jade it's getting dark; I'm taking you home because it's not safe once it gets dark. Also I know your house is a two hour run away," Zayn said the softness returning to his eyes. I felt myself nodding slowly due to the limited space between us. Zayn's hands gripped my waist and he pulled me off the wall guiding me to the motorbike.

"I don't have a second helmet so take mine" Zayn yelled over the roar of the engine. "But what about you?" I asked concerned for his safety. "It's just a helmet" he laughed, climbing on the bike.

"Jade just get on and put your arms around my waist" Zayn said. I did as I was told


"Thanks for doing that Zayn" I said as I got off the bike at my front door. "Anything for a young lady in need" Zayn smirked. I rolled my eyes. He was only a year older than me. I felt Zayn getting closer to me as he wrapped his arms around me. My heart was racing. I'd only ever had one boy hug me like this before, and that was Jayden, my ex boyfriend before he moved to America. I hugged Zayn back. It felt right even though I knew how wrong it was.

The front door swung open making my jump. Surprisingly Zayn was cool about it. "Jadey babes how are you?" My mother's angelic voice asked. "I've just been for a run" I said. Zayn had let go but I was still close to him. His warm body radiating heat onto my cold and barely clothed body. "On a motorbike?" She laughed.

"Oh no this is Zayn. He brought me home" I said quickly. "Nice to meet you Zayn" Mum said shaking his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Mrs Hawke" Zayn said politely. "Please call me Julie" Mum gushed.

"I better be off" Zayn said. "Anytime you need a lift you know my number" he smirked.

"Bye Zayn" I said as he rode off.

I went back inside ready for dinner with Mum. "Sweetie I never knew you had a boyfriend" Mum said proudly. "Oh he isn't my boyfriend" I laughed. "Oh" Mum said.

I could sense the hurt in her voice. She wanted me to have a boyfriend a lot. I sighed as I sat down to eat the pasta Mum had cooked. Mum couldn't cook much but pasta is nice. It was good to have mother/daughter time.

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