Part Twenty-Six (Emma's POV)

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Jack was sound asleep. I kept thinking about what my mom had said. "You know Jack will leave you. He's just that kind of guy," Her words kept repeating in my head. My mom had only met Jack once. Who was she to say that and judge him? I was beginning to worry. What if she was right? Jack had already left me twice. I didn't want it happen again. My mind reverted back to when I was pregnant with Elizabeth, sitting in the airport. Jack wanted to be with me, but I left him. I was the reason he ha left twice. I couldn't let him leave again, and I highly doubt he would. Not after all this. I still kept worrying. I had to wake up Jack.
"Jack! Jack!" I said shaking him.
"Whaaaat?" he groaned.
"You aren't leaving me,right?" I asked panicking.
"Never again,baby, never again," he mumbled and pushed himself up on his elbows. I reached over and kissed him then fell asleep in his arms.

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