♦ Chapter 3 ♦ -Forgotten Memories

Start from the beginning

When I was adopted, I had to open up to my new parents, there was no other choice. When I did, it was easier then I thought it would be, and talking to people became easier, now it's just natural. But when I came here, for my first year, I joined the police, and never went to college, even though I plan to. So from not being in school, I never really talked to a lot of people, so I still don't really have friends. The only people I can really talk to are the people at the police force, and my parents. That's why I had some trouble talking to L the first time.

~The owner of this note can recognize the image and voice of it's original owner, i.e. a god of death.~

I forced myself to sleep that night. I didn't plan to, but I made myself. I needed to sleep, or else it would have been two days without sleep. A few days have passed and I tried to make my schedule the same as it's been: sleep every other day. It actually started to feel natural, when I tried to sleep, I couldn't I even wasted one night trying to rest, but I ended up just staring at my bedroom ceiling the whole time, but I was able to think. We've gathered the information L requested for, and I didn't tell anyone about the meeting we had were he was testing my deductive and observation skills. Last night was one of the sleepless nights, and I had some time to think about the fact if Kira was a student or not.

I arrive at the station about 9 minutes before the meeting. I walk in and take my seat, then begin to take out the research papers I kept in my suitcase. I then take out my phone and went to another Kira website which talked about how 'righteous' he is, killing criminals with severe crimes. They seriously want to teach their children that Kira is good? I can't use the comment section, since someone could probably trace it, find out I'm a cop, then make me Kira's next target. He may only kill criminals, but I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone in his way. well, they would need some good luck finding out my real name.

The others began to come and set up everything for Chief Yagami, so that when he comes in, we can tell him everything we've found out.

"Morning, L." I say while using my phone.

"Good morning to you too. I have a feeling you did not go to sleep last night." I turn around and face the computer screen.

"Hm, what a lucky guess."

"I had resorted to doing that once myself."

"Matsuda told you, didn't he?" I say blankly.


"Fine by me." I say and turn back around, reading more about the public opinion of Kira. I start biting my lip as I read the article and little by little, more of the workers arrive.

The legend of Kira, our savior.

Why do so many people hate Kira? Haven't you guys noticed

the change in the criminal ratings and how they've dropped

dramatically? Kira is making the world a better place by puni-

-shing the criminals with death, ridding them forever. Soon, crimin

-als will cease to exist. We should teach our children that Kira

is good, and that we should all follow him. Just look at the better

society we have because of him. Soon, wars will stop, murders

will decrease, and the rotten world we have today will be purified.

Please, support Kira!

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