# Chapter 1 # - The world's greatest detective

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I know, you told me six thousand times. You even showed my what you were able to find earlier today, remember?" I stayed silent and continued to take small sips. "See, now you can't even remember little events. You don't have to take my advice, but trust me, I tried the same in senior year at high school, and that didn't work one bit." I forgot he was a few years older than me. Hey, showing a newbie around at a police department can make you feel older.

"Sure, thanks." I say gratefully. I had no idea one night of sleep deprivation would knock me off so much. But if I forgot that I showed him the facts I found, how do I remember every single one of them. Maybe I should try this method when I try to take my entry exams to get into university. Maybe I should altar it and be taking notes instead of using mental memory, that way the next day I can take a review of what information I was able to get, and bookmark every website where it had the most useful hints. And as for police files, I'll just cut it into my skin if I have to remember it. "Where's Chief Yagami? Shouldn't he be the first one here?"

"Besides you, yeah, he should. I think he's running late." I nodded and finished the coffee. Being too lazy, I just set the cup at the desk and wait, resting my head on my left hand and by force of habit, mess around with my slightly chapped lower lip with my thumb and index finger. I don't know why, but it's been a habit since I was little, and I ended up doing this every time I was either bored, or deep in thought; and if I can't use my hand to mess with it, I'd just bite it.

Within about 30 minutes, the conference starts and Chief Soichiro Yagami ends up arriving several minutes late. The people in the front continue to argue while Yagami comes in quietly but hurriedly, and takes his seat and throws on his headset. I continue to listen blankly at the debates happening below us, messing with my lip, though I also listen to Matsuda talk to Chief.

"Morning Chief, they started the meeting without you."

"That's fine, I had to take an urgent call from headquarters."

"About what?" I join in. We were cut off by the voices of the people below.

"At any rate, these were criminals who were probably facing execution sooner or later. Perhaps we should be-"

"Why should it matter if it's a criminal or someone innocent!?" Someone cut the first guy off. "Last time I checked, murder was still murder!"

"It's still too early to consider these a homicide." said the first guy.

"Then how did all these people have heart-attacks at the EXACT SAME TIME!? That's not coincidence, it's murder!" said that second guy.

"You think it's possible to simultaneously kill all these people in different locations?"

"We're treating this as an elaborate murder that's been carried out by a large organization." said someone else.

"If it is a large organization, I'm sure I'm not alone in suspecting the F.B.I. or C.I.A." said another detective. (Someone had shouted, "I dare you to say that again!" after those words.) Come on now, don't anger the Americans. A different person stood up from his chair.

"Now now, this is not the time to be joking around! We need to confirm that these are indeed homicides and not coincidences."

"How?" said the first guy. "Autopsy results say that in all of these cases, the victims died of a sudden heart-attack."

"Investigating a series of heart-attacks is pointless." said another person. "I don't see what else we can learn."

"Absolutely, if these people had been shot or stabbed at least we'd have something to go on." said a detective. I know I'm not supposed to, but all of the arguing had gotten into my head, and I couldn't take it. Before anyone else could do it, I stood up from my chair and said loud and clear,

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