I walked over to him, and grabs me pulling me onto his lap. "Hi baby."

"Don't do that." I frown.

One month in, and we already have tiny pet peeves against one another. I hate when he takes forever trying to tell me something. He will stall and stall until you finally say, TELL ME. He'll ask me how my day was, what did I eat, or ask me a dumb question that he already knows the answer to. It's cute but it agitated me to the extent.

He smiled, "Do what?"

"That. Stall me or whatever, just tell me!"

He chuckles, "You think I'm trying to stall you?" Boom.

Dumb question he already knows the answer to. √

I glare at him, "Baby, for real, what's up?"

He lays his head on my chest, "How was your day, first of all?"

Ask me how my day was. √

"Fine. What is up?" I interrogated much further.

He kisses my cheek, "And what di-"

"Tell me now."

"Alright, alright. You know Riley's birthday is coming up?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah. In three days. July 19th. I remember you telling me."

He grins, "Correct. Well, Ayesha and I had planned awhile back that we were going to travel back to Charlotte just for a couple of days for her birthday."

"Okay." I smile. "That's going to be so cute."

"Definitely. But, I just wanted to let you know, just in case I don't text or call as much."

I swatted my hand, "Its okay. You don't necessarily have to tell me anything that you have planned with your daughter and Ayesha. You can send me a text saying, Ttyl and I got it, completely."

He shakes his head. "I feel as if its right if I do tell you. You're apart of my daily life now, and you're so important. I am not just going to hit you with a text telling you ttyl. No..."

I place my hand on his cheek, "I didn't say you had to, babe. I was saying you can."

"Well I don't want to. You deserve to know what goes on when I'm not with you."

I nod, "Alright. I understand."

It made me feel so elated inside to know how much Stephen Curry cared for and about me. It's just another figure I can count on, always.

"Alright, good." He muttered. "I can't believe she's about to be three. Its unbelievable."

"Aww, she's literally the cutest! Time flies doesn't it?" I stroke his cheek.

He stares his green eyes into mine, "They do. I'm having so much fun raising her, and watching her grow. I can't help but think how the future is going to look, because it's flying by so quickly."

I couldn't help but think about, what if we had a family in the future. Or if I would helping and watching Riley grow older some day. It stuck on my mind, and the vision of it was stunning. Of course that would never happen, though. All I have is my imagination.

"Cherish the moments you have with her." I told him.

He sighs, "Every minute I'm with her, I do."

Before Hank dropped me off at home, Steph had told me that he won't see me for five or six days. Even though they were flying out to NC on the 19th, he figured staying home for the next two days to pack and all would be the best bet. He told me Ayesha and him are still on rough patches, but they still communicate with each other for the sake of their daughter. Whenever she questioned where he went at night, he would always tell her a hotel, just because he didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as her anymore due to their increase in arguing. She surprisingly accepted that fact and questioned no further.
These days that Steph would be gone was going to be the longest we be apart. Thus, so far its been two days, but not five or six and since this is the first time it's going to be like this, I didn't know how I was going to react.

I walk into my house, somewhat sad. Growing emotionally attached to Stephen was in full effect. I needed some way to keep my mind off of it.

I call the only person, besides Steph, who makes my day.

"Well, hello hello. Look what the egg has hatched today! Where have you been all of my life?"

I laugh, "Shut up, its only been two days since we've seen each other."

"True, but I'm not getting used to that at all. What have you've been doing?"

I cringe, "Just been wanting to be at the house a lot by myself. Plus, I'm sure my parents are supposed to be coming back soon. I don't want you here when they do come."

I hear her sigh, "Now that's totally understood. Last time I was there when they came home, it was a disaster between you three."

I bite my lip, "Yeah, one out of a hundred reasons why I don't care for them as much. Good thing my Tinley Ginley was there to comfort me, yeah?"

She chuckles, "Of course. What's up though?"

"Would you like to come over tonight?" I question.

"Yes, I would like to come over tonight. I'm off of work for three more days, and then I'm back at working til' closing time."

I'll be able to be with Tinley for three days, but once she goes back to work, I'll be home alone for two full days, possibly. Screw me.

I nod as if she could actually see me, "Alright. Hurry over or I'll start Orange is the New Black without you."

"You do that if you want to die, okay?"

I laugh, "Mark my words."

I could practically feel her roll her eyes, "Goodbye Joslyn. I will see you in a minute."


I feel as if this chapter was super boring, but it was kind of like a filler on how their one month has been together. Many chapters won't be like that, but they will be going kind of fast advancing through the months, because... *****SPOILER********

All of the real stuff will start happening in the third month they have been together.
So, enjoy these few chapters while you can before all of the drama begins. >;)


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