Ch. 3

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Joslyn Meyers

"And the way he gripped my hips... Girl, let's not get on the subject ." A tipsy Tinley spoke, as she laid on the hotel bed, upside down.

I had just got out of the shower, with fresh clean leggings and an overly big T-shirt, drying my hair while listening to Tinley along with Flynn.

"Did you even get his number?" Flynn asked.

Tinley looked at him, "No. I didn't ask."

Flynn smiled, "You're not supposed to. The guy is.."

"So whats that supposed to mean?"

He shrugs, "If I don't ask for a girl's number its either because they're not attractive to me, not my type, or I'm trying to get with another girl."

Tinley frowned at us. I chuckled

"But you're flawless, so that can't be the problem." Flynn said.

I agree, "Yeah. Maybe blondes aren't his type or he might have another girl on his mind."

Tinley sits up, and rolls her eyes.

"You see? The disappointment you have right now? Which is why I didn't set myself up." I told her.

She nods. She's only agreeing with me because she's a little intoxicated, otherwise she would throw a fit to why I'm not right.

Flynn puts his arm around her shoulder, "It's okay. He clearly doesn't have good taste."

"Go take a shower, and go to bed. You're going to wake up with a headache." I tell her.

Flynn gets up and goes to the bathroom after offering to go get her a towel. Soon returning abruptly, opening the bathroom door.
"She can't take a shower!" He yelled, stepping out with a few towels that were soaked.

I cringed, "Oops. I forgot I did that.."

"What the hell did you do? Bring them in the shower with you?" Flynn asked, obviously annoyed.

I sheepishly smiled, "If I told you, you'd probably yell at me."

He rolled his eyes and Tinley smiled like an idiot. Only because when Flynn was mad, it was funny. It was rare when you seen him angry because he has such a lively spirit.

I held my hands up, "Chill. I'll go get some more towels, okay?"

"Yeah, go!"

I chuckled, and grabbed my card before walking out. My soft fuzzy socks hit the marbel floor, slightly slipping with each step I took. I walked into the elevator, and hit the Lobby button. My stomach dropping the minute the elevator went down, although I liked elevators, they still made my stomach feel odd.
Stepping out of the elevator, I walked towards the counter, "May I have a few shower towels, please?"

The lady smiled warmly at me before bending down below her counter and pulling up a few fresh new clean towels. I grabbed them from her, thanking her afterwards.

"Have a nice night!" She says.

I walked my way back into the elevator, hitting the thrid floor. The doors began to close, when all of a sudden a huge hand hit the door reluctantly, stopping it.

My eyebrows furrowed at the mysterious hand.

Soon, walking in a slouched over, Stepen Curry. If my face wasn't already screwed in confusion, then I was in a major incertitude state.
I watched him walk inside the elevator, almost falling over, but catching himself onto the railing attached to the wall. He searched for the elevator push buttons, I assumed, since he was touching the wall. His eyes adverted towards the left side of the elevator, where I was, and spotted them. Along with catching my eyes, then chuckling afterwards. His eyes were super red, and were very low.

Young Love Complications •Stephen Curry•Where stories live. Discover now