You look back towards the door. The flames are now only halfway across the room, slowly advancing towards you both.

"What about Mum?" you splutter, coughing as more of the thick smoke enters your lungs.

Dan looks back towards the door. "She's clever, she'll get out."

You nod slowly, the smoke stinging your eyes. He smiles and picks you up gently. He sets you on the windowsill, and climbs up beside you.

Your stomach lurches as you look towards the ground. You take deep breaths, and look towards Dan, who seems to be as anxious as you.

He looks up and catches your eye. "Get ready to jump off."

"Okay," you reply, shuffling forward to the edge of the windowsill.

"Scared?" he asks you, grasping your hand firmly.

You nod and grimace.

"Me too," he replies, giving you a small smile and launching you both off the windowsill.

The last thing you hear are the sirens wailing.

*le time skip*

Dan's POV:

I blink in the blinding white light. My throat feels raw and dry. I look at my body, and see a hospital gown. I catch sight of a nurse on the other side of the room.

"N-Nurse-" I choke out, gasping in pain.

She looks up and runs over to the side of my hospital bed. "Don't talk, it'll hurt your throat."

Yeah, I know.

I look round the room. Y/n - where's Y/n? I struggle in the bed and call out her name urgently. I sit up, and almost pass out. My head pounds, and I clutch it, scrunching my eyes shut.

I feel a hand on my chest gently pushing me back down into a lying position. I struggle against it.

"Where is she?! Y/n, Y/n!"

"You need to calm down. Lie back on the bed, please," the nurse commands.

I shake my head and try to get out of the bed. The nurse presses a button, and several other nurses come running through the door. They grab me and put me back on the bed.

"No, I need to see her!" I cry out, shaking the nurses off.

I feel a prick in my arm, then I pass out.

Nurse Emily's POV:

I watch the young man slump back onto his pillows, his eyes closing. I absolutely hate drugging people, but sometimes it's necessary to do so for their safety, and the safety of others.

My colleagues step back from the hospital bed, panting slightly.

"What was he so worked up about?" I ask my friend, Jenni.

She shrugs. "He was talking about someone called Y/n. Probably his girlfriend."

"Oh..." I say, trailing off. "Why's he here in the first place?"

"There was a house fire, and he jumped out of a third-story window onto a mattress, which didn't cushion his fall very well. He's badly bruised, and has a few cuts. He inhaled a lot of smoke, too," she replies, sighing. "He's kinda hot, don't you think?"

I hum in agreement. Jenni and I make our way out of the room he's in and go to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee. I only just started doing night shifts, and it's hard to get used to. Coffee is my saviour.

We sit down with our paper cups of coffee and chat, mainly gossiping.

The buzzer on my belt goes off, meaning someone wants help with something. I check the screen - it says Ward 22. I roll my eyes and dump my coffee in the bin as I exit the cafeteria.

Once I get to Ward 22, I see an old woman beckoning me over. Her name's Maggie, and she has a broken knee, from falling down the stairs or something.

I make my way over to her, and she clasps my arm.

"Could you get me a cuppa, love?" she asks me.

I smile and nod, going out of the room and down the corridor to the cafeteria.

"Make way!" I hear someone shout from behind me.

I look over my shoulder and see a hospital bed being rushed towards me, being pushed by several paramedics and some of my fellow nurses. I flatten myself against the wall so the people can get past.

Out of curiosity, I look at the person on the bed. It's a young female, who's very pretty, I must admit. She's crying out and screaming, probably because of her leg, which looks severely burned.

She brushes my hand as the people rush the hospital bed.

"Find Dan," she whispers weakly.

A/N: This is a little bit short, sorry :/ I just felt like this was a good place to end the chapter xD

In case you haven't guessed, the girl on the hospital bed is you >:3


P.S. I'm sorry if I gave you a heart attack :P

P.P.S. Do you want the mum to live or die? I'm gonna let you guys decide!

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