Chapter 50

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It has been 7 years and 4 kids later since our mating. Carter and I are happily in love still to this day.

We have our oldest Isaac junior Shaw. Our second is Christina Tina Shaw. Our third is Hope Elizabeth Shaw and our youngest is Carter Michael Shaw. He is the cutest with her green eyes and my black hair.

Isaac has brown hair with my amber eyes, Chris has black hair with my amber eyes, Hope has brown hair with green eyes while Carter you know.

Isaac is 6, Chris she is 5, Hope is 3 and Carter he's 2. We are so glad to have them. Since Michael is a beta with my cousin Forest as the alpha. Luke and Noah got married and adopted a young pup who was abandoned. Tina and Juniper mated and have 2 young pups of their own. Everything worked out in the end. And I'm glad to still have my loving mate Carter. 'Our loving mate.' My wolf corrects me. You're right, our loving mate.

The End... For now


Hey so that was the end of Carter. Their is a third book that has to deal with Michael Batten and his life as a beta with the awesome and oh so sexy alpha Forest Hawken. It's called the Vet and the Wolf. It is about a female vet who wanted to move to the country and start her own business. In the small town of Trialwood is where she starts. Little does she know a pack lives right there and they need her help. Chrysanthe Saffron will find herself in a world of wolves where she is the only human who can help heal them.

Please check it out. It will Be out once I get back from vacation. Hope to see you then. Bye... For now.

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