Chapter 11

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So my sixth period class is psychology. This has to be an interesting class right?

I sigh as I walk in and sit down at a seat in the back of the class. Why did I partner up with him? It's stupid since he's a werewolf, but I did ot for some reason, why?

"Afternoon class, I'm your psychology teacher Mr. Moa" a tall lanky man stands in front of the classroom. He seriously looks like he just got out of college, is he even qualified? "So psych is the study of the mind and how it works, what we are going to learn is exactly that. Of course not the scientific way but the more mental and emotional way. We are going to study how people think and do what they do. So does that sound fun" he asks. Okay this class does seem interesting.

"Yeah" the class yells out with excitement. Maybe I can study the werewolf way of thinking and find out about Ise.

"Fantastic, first I want everyone to fill out a personal information form" Mr. Moa passes them out. This again, ugh this sucks. I honestly hat these forms since they are completely useless. The only way to truly get to know someone is by talking to them and observe them. I mean that's what this class is about right?

I fill out the form even though I'm still mad. I purposely don't put my name on it, so that when I turn it in he doesn't know who I am. Take that, you'll have to figure it out by studying all the students.

I turn it in and go sit back down. I take out a piece of paper and start to draw a hunter killing a werewolf. That's the true order of life. The beast must die so the humans can live. But what if we lived peacefully amoung ourselves. But then there were be no hunters.

"That's an interesting drawing" the kid siting in front of me comments. He has dark black hair and blue eyes. He seems kind of geeky, but still had a cool look to him. "I'm Luke by the way who are you" he asks kindly. He doesn't seem so bad.

"I'm Carter" I blush from embarrassment. Gosh I feel so stupid right now.

"Why does the hunter kill the wolf, why can't they be friends" he asks. Probably some tree hugger or a werewolf himself.

"That's the order of things. The predators and prey" I tell him.

"Intresting way of looking at it. But is it the right order" he asks before turning back around to talk to the person next to him. Is what I always thought was right actually wrong? Well I guess I'll just have to find out.

The bell rang and school was finally out. Well this was one intresting first day.

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