Chapter 3

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Once I got to my first class after dropping off my sister with her own personal helper I went to mine which was art. Let's just say I'm he worse artist in history, so don't think I'm some artist or something. I have flaws like everyone else okay.

I sat down at one of the tables then the girl I met earlier walked in, that Tina chick. She smiled at me when she saw me and sat across from me wih her three other friends filling up the rectangle table.

"Hi Carter do you mind" she asks already sitting comfortable. I hate people, well in her case werewolves. I also suppose all of her friends are werewolves too, god this is hell.

"No, not at all make yourself at home" I say sarcastically. Not like you already did.

"Thanks, so that guy you met, well that's Isaac and he's a big deal here" Tina says. She sounds like a stereotypical cheerleader, she probably is.

"Nice to know" I say waiting for the teacher to start the class.

"What's your problem all you've been is snippy ever since we've met" she sounded like a whiny princess. She must be the daughter of someone important in their pack.

"I don't like people" I say with no emotion. I'm serious, never been a people or creature person, and never will.

"Well maybe I can change that " she smiles. Oh I hate her so much.

"Yeah" I say and the teacher finally starts the class. He talks about all the rules and requirements for his class, since art or drawing and painting is so hard. You know I wonder sometimes if the school system was created by a bunch of morons with only degrees to their names. After he explains everything he hands out a better know you paper with all those stupid questions you ask to get to know someone. I should just right no or fuck you.

"So what's your favorite color" Tina asks basically reading off the first question. Nope I'm wrong the first question is our name the color on is second, how ironic. I should totally go all dark on her, like red the color of your blood when I kill you, or red the blood of all your pack will be when I'm done.

"Yellow, like Amber" I admit the truth. Wait wasn't that the color of that guy named Isaac's eyes? Oh please god what did I do.

"Like Isaac's eyes" she confirms my question. Damn it why do I have to right?

"So, it's my favorite color" I groan filling out the sheet. No point in getting in trouble and drawing attention to myself on the first day right? I am the first one done making the teacher look at me strange.

"What's your name" he asks kindly with a smile.

"Carter" I says hating being there. Come on now is not the time to start being sassy.

"What year are you" he asks curiously. Okay let me tell you this first, I'm a freshman yes, but I am considered as a junior like my sister since my schooling is so advanced. Yes I am one of those kids who skipped a few grades.

"Freshman" I tell him. Why should I explain to him he's only an art teacher.

"Well you seem very mature for your age Carter, you can sit down now" he says kindly. I shrug and walk back to my seat with everyone basically watching me. Oh great just what I didn't want.

"You're only a freshman" Tina says amazed. Yes I just fucking said that. Bell where are you when I need you, please ring your mighty ring to make me leave this class.

"Yup " I smile and of course the bell doesn't ring. I'm only right when I don't want to be. It's a serious curse.

"Well that's cool" she smiles then continues on her paper. Most of the other students finish their papers before the bell rings and I basically run out. Second period here I come.

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