Chapter 6

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My third period was my wood shop class. This is my favorite class. I wonder where Carter is? Wait why am I wondering about her, I like her sister?

"Morning class you know since it's the first day I have to show you the instructional video with the blood, so get ready" the teacher smiles before turning on the smart board showing the video.

A lot of people are grossed out qhen the guy cuts his arms off with a saw blade, I just laugh. What an idiot, I mean Carter is so much smarter than that. What the hell? It happened again why am I thinking of her? I shake my head trying to get my thoughts off that brunette.

Someone knocks on the door and Mr. Garden gets it. No way, why is she here?

"Yes how can I help you" Mr. Garden asks.

"Miss. Lyn wanted me to give you this note Mr. Garden" Carter hands him the paper. He takes it and reads it before grabbing a piece of paper himself and writing something on it.

"Carter what are you doing here" I whisper to her.

"I don't know, teachers passing notes I think" she shrugs and waits for Mr. Garden to hand her his note. I think she is right too. Mr. Garden and Miss. Lyn pass notes a lot.

"You think they are doing it" I ask her. She nods and smiles bwfore frowning and looking away. What the hell is her problem with me? What is she some hunter..? Wait is she?

"Here you I didn't get your name" Mr. Garden hands her the note.

"Carter, Carter Angelo sir" she smiles before heading back to her English class. Yes Miss. Lyn is an English teacher.

After the video Mr. Garden goes over the rules of the class which is super boring. When the bell rings I head to my technology class where we learn programming and coding. I know it seems weird that a werewolf wants to learn about computers, but it's my passion.

Once I walk in the teacher told us that we are assigned partners and I look at mine. No way.

"I guess we are just stuck with each other" Carter sighs as she crosses her arms. I wish I was stuck with her sister, she's a lot nicer. This is just going to be a strange year.

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