Chapter 9

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I can't believe she invited him, god my sister is too nice sometimes.

"So Ise do you know my sister Cart" Chris asks the guys walking next to her.

"Yes we have a few classes together" he smiles softly at my sister. Why is he so kind to her, he must have some secret intentions, what could they be?

"That's great, maybe you can try and help my sister out with how to deal with people. I mean she had a friend once but we moved" Chris blurts out. Oh god don't tell him about me. My cheeks turn red with anger as I look ahead of me.

"Oh, do you move around a lot" he asks seeming interested. Oh now he's trying to get background info, he's definitely planning something.

"Yes. We recently moved here and I met a friend, but he's gone now" she says sadly. She always speaks about him, but never by name. I never met him of course, but she seems to be in love with him. Bit he's gone and she's sad about it. It sucks when you don't know what's bothering the person you love the most.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'll be your friend" he says.

"And my sisters" Chris asks hopeful. She's really asking a lot there.

"Yes" he agrees with a light nod. He's serious, holy shit he's serious.

"Great, now you have a friend" she smiles joyfully. I've always admired how she can be so bright and joyful even in the worst of moments. She's like a little ray of sun shine oh a dark gloomy day.

"Fun" I say sarcastically, but I don't mean to be. She smiles knowing that I'm actually happy. It's only because she's happy. "We're here" I tell her standing in front of the wing where they have teachers that help kids with special needs.

"Do I have to" she whines. She is so silly.

"Yes" I drag her to one of the teachers and they bring her inside. She waves bye before going in.

"You know you're a lot different around her" he says standing behind me. I turn to see him just staring at me. What's his deal now. "What" I ask mad.
"Hm, what" he asks confused. I cross my arms and tap my foot.

"Why are you staring at me" I snap at him.

"Because you seem different then before" he comments.

"And how do I seem different" I inquire with a bit of sass. How is he going to answer that?

"You seem like you" he says simply. I basically freeze when he says that taking me into shock. Only one person has ever said that to me and he was my only friend. How can a werewolf be just like him?

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