Chapter 25

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"So, how was it?" Chris asks sitting on my bed with me. It was amazing, and he was amazing.

"It was alright." I shrug. But it was so much more, he took charge, he cared if I was comfortable and he opened up to me.

"Or you like him and want to go on another date?" Chris insisted. Yes I do do and I want to feel his warm body.

"Nah." I scoff off. Why am I lying? Why do I feel this way all of a sudden? Oh no what is happening to me?

"You so like him, will you stop denying it?" Chris tells me taking me out of my crazy thoughts. Is this what it is? Do I like Isaac Shaw?

"Are you crazy." I blow it off. Oh what is wrong with me, he's a werewolf.

"No, but you are for not admitting your feelings for him." Chris tells me. She is very persistent.

"I think it is time to go to bed." I tell her as I guide her to bed next to mine. "Goodnight sis." I kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight and think about Ise you might find something about him you like." She Telstra me before snuggling into the sheets.

I lay down in my bed to just watch the ceiling. Do I really like Isaac? He's a great guy, but he's also a werewolf. But so is Ramsey and he lives with me. Ugh, I don't know what to do. I look out my window to see the moon. It's going to be a full one on my birthday this year. Maybe I should just sleep it off.


There I was running through the forest being chased. I ended up in a big field and saw a wolf coming after me. It tackles me to the ground and I scream out for help till it transforms into Isaac.

"You know I would never hurt you." He chuckles softly before kissing my lips. I kiss back passionately as he moves his hands down my body making me moan. "Wake up Carter." He tells me.

-End Dream-

I opened my eyes to see Chris yelling at me, "Wake up Carter."

"I'm awake chill." I tell her before getting up. I walk to the kitchen and start to make us breakfast as I think of my dream last night. Did it really happen? Did I really dream of that? Of him? What does that dream mean? What happened? Do I like Isaac? Oh god what is this wolf doing to me?

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