Chapter 23

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I walk home with my sister but I notice him following behind. I'm going to murder him.

"What do you want Mike." I snap at the boy following us.

"I didn't know you had a sister." He says walking up to me casually. I hate him, because he's just crossed the line.

"Yeah, now leave." I yell at him. He's stepping on my territory.

"Oh come on give in Carter. So what's your name red?" Mike winks at her.

"She's blind you moron." I tell him as I walk over to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He blushes with embarrassment. What a dumbass.

"No worry I'm Christina you can call me Chris." She smiles happily.

"I'm Michael but everyone calls me Mike, do you have ESP?" He asks looking her up and down. I'm going to murder him.

"Back off Mike and leave my sis alone." I tell him.

"Chill I only want you." He smirks at me. He's not a wolf, he's a pig.

"Why are you competing with Isaac? She's going on a..." I put my hands over my sister's mouth.

"I'm going on a trip with him, I like to hike and he wants to show me around with Ramsey." I lie. We could do that for a date I would actually like that.

"Who's Ramsey and that sounds like a date?" He asks suspiciously. Yes I'm going on a date with Isaac, I would rather date him then even let you touch me.

"Ramsey is my dog and no he offered to give me a tour." I tell him. Not really, but whatever.

"Totally, we'll just see." Mike says.

"Ramsey is our dog he's really good at knowing what I need." Chris smiles making Mike shrug.

"So, fine whatever." He huffs. What a baby, he really needs to get over himself.

"Then just leave." I snap at him before we get to our apartment complex.

"Bye ladies have a good night." He walks over to another apartment in the building and goes in. Oh great I live near him. Ugh , why am I feeling so strange, besides my birthday coming up I shouldn't be worried, maybe it's the date, well whatever it is will just go away sooner or later.


Hello readers, so the story I talked about in chapter 20 is now out. It is called "the girl with the stuffed animals" please check it out, you just might like it.

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