Chapter 1

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My nane is Carter Angelo, I'm a fourteen year old girl. Who is trianed in the art of hunting. Hunting is where you hunt down and kill the creatures of the night, you know all those paranormal monsters. Yup, I'm just that normal fourteen year old huntress who recently moved to a new town.

So my family recently moved to a new town and we had a house, with my older sister Christina. She has bright red hair, but she is blind. She is sixteen and well I have to take care of her all the time. She hates it too, and then our house burned down.

Now we live in an apartment complex with two bedrooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms and one livingroom. It's not exactly the house we had but it's home now and as long as I have my sister by my side though I know I'm good. She is the only person in my life I love the most.

Today is our first day and I really don't care. I put on jeans and a black band t-shirt on, with my worn out black high tops. I toss my shoulder bag around my head. I look at my sister still sleeping, and she still is beautiful.

"Wake up" I tell her. She grumbles a bit before I shake her awake. She rolls over so she is starig at me with her light blue eyes that just stare straight ahead. Honestly it's a bit creepy, but I still love her.

"5 more minutes" she grumbles. Well at least she can still be a teen.

"Nope it's our first day, move that ass of yours" I tell her picking out a plain shirt and jeans for her to wear. Let's just say her wardrobe is very plain, it's not like she can see it.

She gets ready as I make breakfast. You probably think I'm a bad person, but I'm not. I love my sister and would do anything for her. And I treat her like an average person like she wants, so don't just assume that I'm some bitch. I mean you can assume that I'm a boss ass bitch.

"What are you making? Toast" she asks. Her senses are better than mine and yes she is right about the toast.

"Yup, so we can eat on the go, speaking of which we should go" I take out the toast and grab napkins as we head out with our toast.

We walk there talking about what it is going to be like as we eat our breakfast. But I've had this bad feeling ever since we moved to this town, like something dark. I guess it could be my hunter senses.

Once we reached the school the feeling got worse. I mean everything looked like a stereotypical high school. Popular cheerleaders and jocks, nerds and band geeks, hispters and skaters, goths and emo's and well me and my sister the new kids. It looked like everyone was sizing us up, of course Christina didn't care.

"Hey, you must be new here" a very feminine blonde came up to us. She looked like the leader of all the popular kids. That's exactly what she is.

"Yes we are so will you excuse us we are trying to get to class" I give her a fake smile and pull my sister by her wrist.

"That's rude Crater" my sister pulls her wrist away. "I'm Christina, but you can call me Chris. And this rude sister of mine is Carter, it's nice to meet you" my sister smiled staring right ahead as everyone was moving.

"Yes she blind now will you stop it" I yell making them jump. Stupid idiots.

"Well it's nice to meet you Chris I'm Tina" Tina smiled at my sister. No fucking point, this is why I hate people. The strange feeling was there again then I saw him. He had a native american skin tone, black hair and light brown almost Amber eyes. He looked at me then his eyes were glued to my sister. The feeling was strong around these popular kids. What could it be, vampires? No they usually wear sun glass, then what? Werewolves? That's when it hit me, this was a werewolf town. Oh crap, what did I get myself into?

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